음식물쓰레기로 부터 제조한 분체연료 연소특성
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음식물쓰레기로 부터 제조한 분체연료 연소특성에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


ark, **Sangguk Kim
Key words: Food waste(음식물쓰레기), Purverized fuel(고형분체연료), Burner(버너), Heating value(발열량), Volatile matter(휘발성 물질),
Abstract:Three properties of food waste are water 80%, ash 3%, volatile matter 17%. When food waste goes through treatment process such as removal of foreign substances, removal of water as well as sodium, dryness, and pulverization, it transforms into 4,000Kcal/kg purverized fuel if moisture content is below 13%. Fuel ratio(fixed carbon/volatile matter) of purverized fuel is low compared with bituminuous coal. Ignition temperature measured by thermogravimetry analyzer is about 460oC. Combustion test of purverized fuel have been performed using energy recovery facility which include storage tank of dewatered cake, dryer, hammer mill, combuster including burner, boiler, flue gas treatment equipment. When 160-180 kg/hr of fuel is steadily supplied to burner for 3 hours, combustor temperature reaches about 1000oC and CO is 77-103ppm at 1.55 excess air ratio and SOx and Cl are under 2ppm and 1ppm, respectively. This experiment demonstrate that purverized fuel made from food waste could be an alternative clean energy at the age of high oil price.
1. 서 론
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수6페이지
  • 등록일2009.11.19
  • 저작시기2008.11
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#561965
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