[영문이력서]직종별로 정리된 영문이력서 BEST4 샘플모음
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[영문이력서]직종별로 정리된 영문이력서 BEST4 샘플모음에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.



1. [ 컴퓨터 엔지니어 ]

2. [ 신입사원 ]

3. [ 세일즈매니저 ]

4. [ 금융권 지원자 ]


aims through AHIN - Blue Cross Special Management System. Customer service follow-up with patients on billing issues and repayment options.
4/1999 - 12/2002: Account Analyst
Arkansas Children\'s Hospital, Little Rock, Arkansas
A claims processor of Commercial and Blue Cross claims with special emphasis on inpatient accounts. Billed claims through SSI and worked rejections. Claims auditor for all accounts requested by Insurance companies.
7/1996 - 12/1998: Claims Processor DME
American Home Patients, Little Rock, Arkansas
Medicare Department Claim processor for Part C coverage with Durable Medical Equipment. Coordinator for referrals and pre-cert. for equipment with Physicians. Posted payments and worked denials.
1/1992 - 6/1996: Sales
Dillard\'s Dept Store, Men\'s Clothing, Bradford Marines, Parts Sales, Sears Dept. Store, Tire Sales
Military Experience
3/1987 - 1/1992: Active Duty, Honorable Discharge, Rank E-5, MOS: 11B, 11M and 91Q
1/1992 - 4/1995: Reserves, Honorable Discharge Active Ready Reserve, Rank E-6, MOS 91Q
Computer Skills Meditech, AHIN, SSI Billing System, Norvell, DMS Data Mgmt System, IMF Internal Medical Frame, Microsoft Software (Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel)


  • 가격2,500
  • 페이지수6페이지
  • 등록일2009.12.22
  • 저작시기2009.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#569345
본 자료는 최근 2주간 다운받은 회원이 없습니다.
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