응급,수술환자 간호 용어
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< 응급환자 간호 >
< 수술환자간호 >


uses to describe the symptom, aggravating factors, relieving factors, treatment administered before arrival
PID pelvic imflammatory disease
PIH pregnancy induced hypertension
PQRST provoking factors, quality of the symptoms, region or radiation, sevirity, time
PTCA percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
ROS review of system
RTS revised trauma score
SAVE A CHILD skin activity ventilation eye contact abuse cry heat immune system level of consciousness dehydration
S-B Sengstaken-Blackmore tube
UGI upper gastrointestinal bleeding
UTI urinary tract infection
< 수술환자간호 >
1. 기본용어
appendectomy 충수절제술
Billroth I 위십이지장문합술
Billroth II 위공장문합술
cholecystectomy 담낭절제술
colectomy 대장절제술
colostomy 결장루형성술
fistulectomy 누공절제술
hemorrhoidectomy 치질절제술
hernioplasty 탈장성형술
ileostomy 회장루형성술
laparoscopic cholecystectomy 복강경 담낭절제술
mastectomy 유방절제술
Mile's op. 마일스 수술
pancreatectomy 취장절제술
polypectomy 용종절제술
pyloroplasty 유문성형술
subtotal gastrectomy 부분 위절제술
thyroidectomy 감상샘절제술
vagotomy 미주신경절단술
vein stripping 정맥박리술
Whipple's operation 췌십이지장 절제술
신경외과 수술
chordotomy 척추전측수절단술
craniectomy 두개골절제술
cranioplasty 두개성형술
craniotomy 개두술
laminectomy 척추궁절제술
myelotomy 척수절개술
neurotomy 신경절단술
rhizotomy 근절개술
sympathectomy 교감신경절제술
acetabuloplasty 골관구성형술
arthroplasty 관절성형술
arthrotomy 관절절개술
capsulotomy 관절낭절개술
closed reduction or manupulatory eduction 비수술적 정목 혹은 도수정복
myorrhaphy 근봉합술
neurorrhaphy 신경봉합술
open reduction 수술적 정복
osteotomy 골절개술
saucerization 배형성술
sterno-cleidomastoidectomy 흉쇄유돌근 절제술
synovectomy 활막절제술
tenorrhaphy 건봉합술
tenotomy 건절개술
total hip replacement arthroplasty 고관절 치환술
total knee replacement arthroplasty 슬관절 치환술
triple arthrodesis 삼중관절고정술
xenograft 이종이식
성형외과 수술
brepharoplasty 안검성형술
cheiloplasty 입술성형술
correction 교정
lipectomy 지방조직 절제술
mammoplasty 유방성형술
palatoplasty 구개성형술
rhinoplasty 비성형술
skin graft 피부이식
  • 가격500
  • 페이지수8페이지
  • 등록일2017.12.23
  • 저작시기2017.1
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#1041400
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