Reading for the real world 3 (Unit1-1)
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Reading for the real world 3 (Unit1-1)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Unit1-1 The Piltdown Man


ched the pole on April 21, 1908.
(F)It was south in every direction.\" Cook then became lost in the Arctic for almost a year.
(G)However, the question of who reached the North Pole first, if either, remains hotly debated.
2. (H)-(B)-(D)-(A)-(E)-(C)-(G)-(F)
Meanwhile, Peary was also trying to reach the North Pole.
(A)Controversy ensued when Peary accused Cook of fraud, claiming that he had no compelling evidence to support his claim.
(B)However, Peary believed Cook to be dead, making him the first man to reach the Pole.
(C)For many years, Peary\'s supporters, backed by National Geographic magazine, had the upper hand. \\
(D)In September 1909, both men managed to make it back to civilization and, within days of each other, telegraphed their rival claims to the newspapers.
(E)In fact, the controversy lingers to this day. Who was the first man to reach the North Pole?
(F)In other words, neither of them reached the Pole, which would put later explorers in line for the title of \"first to reach the North Pole.\"
(G)However, new evidence suggests that both explorers faked their claims.
(H)He claimed to have arrived there on April 6, 1909, almost a year after Cook.
* 다음 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치를 고르시오.
1. 4
However, the question of who reached the North Pole first, if either, remains hotly debated. According to Dr. Cook, he reached the pole on April 21, 1908.
① Science is not new to the idea of controversy and fraud such as in the case of the Piltdown Man. The history of the exploration of the North Pole includes another case of this nature. ② The two main players in this story are Robert Peary, a famous explorer in the early 20th century, and Dr. Frederick Cook, another explorer who frequently accompanied Peary on his expeditions. ③ Both men began their own quests to reach the North Pole in the early 1900s. ④ His claim is recorded in his diary: \"With a step, it was possible to go from one part of the globe to the opposite side. . . . north, east, and west had vanished. ⑤ It was south in every direction.\" Cook then became lost in the Arctic for almost a year.
2. 6
In fact, the controversy lingers to this day.
① Meanwhile, Peary was also trying to reach the North Pole. ② He claimed to have arrived there on April 6, 1909, almost a year after Cook. ③ However, Peary believed Cook to be dead, making him the first man to reach the Pole. ④ In September 1909, both men managed to make it back to civilization and, within days of each other, telegraphed their rival claims to the newspapers. ⑤ Controversy ensued when Peary accused Cook of fraud, claiming that he had no compelling evidence to support his claim. ⑥ Who was the first man to reach the North Pole? ⑦ For many years, Peary\'s supporters, backed by National Geographic magazine, had the upper hand. ⑧ However, new evidence suggests that both explorers faked their claims. ⑨ In other words, neither of them reached the Pole, which would put later explorers in line for the title of \"first to reach the North Pole.\"
  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수22페이지
  • 등록일2023.03.18
  • 저작시기2016.08
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#1200893
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