2024년 1학기 방송통신대 중간과제물 테스트영어연습)교재 210-228페이지의 Supplementary Materials를 사용하여, 우리 교재의 문제 유형과 동일한 문제를 총 15문제를 만들고, 각 문제마다 상세한 정답 해설을 작성하시오
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2024년 1학기 방송통신대 중간과제물 테스트영어연습)교재 210-228페이지의 Supplementary Materials를 사용하여, 우리 교재의 문제 유형과 동일한 문제를 총 15문제를 만들고, 각 문제마다 상세한 정답 해설을 작성하시오에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


교재 210~228페이지의 “Supplementary Materials”를 사용하여, 우리 교재의 문제 유형과 동일한 문제를 총 15문제를 만들고, 각 문제마다 상세한 정답 해설을 작성하시오.

1. Listening Comprehension
1~3) Listen to the following and answer the question.
1)Who developed hashcash, a proof-of-work scheme for spam control?
2) What were the first proposals for distributed digital scarcity-based cryptocurrencies?
3) What vulnerability did Nick Szabo's bit gold proposal face according to the passage?

2. Grammar
1) In the following examples, which example is used differently regarding the use of it?
2) Which words are appropriate in parentheses in the following sentence?
3) Which word is most appropriate in parentheses in the following sentence?
4) What is the most correct form of the be verb in parentheses in the following sentence?

3. Vocabulary
1) Which of the following does not fit with the underlined word in the following sentence contextually?
2) What is the most similar word in meaning to the underlined word in the following sentence?
3) Which word is most similar in meaning to the underlined word in the following sentence?
4) Which preposition is most appropriate in the following sentence?

4. Reading Comprehension
1~4) Read the following sentence and answer the question.
1) What technology was primarily used for producing basic hard copy output in the early stages mentioned in the passage?
2) Which type of printer was utilized in the 1970s and 1980s for generating most visual output?
3) What innovation occurred in 1976 that revolutionized printing alongside the rise in personal computer usage?
4) According to the passage, Which explains the importance of Raster Image Processing (RIP) very well?

5. 참고문헌


ries of still images were drawn to create a computer- animated movie, early on a roll of 35- mm film and then on 16-mm film as a 16-mm camera was later added to the SC-4020 printer. In the 1970s, the dot matrix printer(which was much like a typewriter) was used to reproduce varied fonts and arbitrary graphics. The first animations were created by plotting all still frames sequentially on a stack of paper, with motion transfer to 16- mm film for projection. During the 1970s and 1980s, dot matrix printers were used to produce most visual output while microfilm plotters were used for most early animation. In 1976, the inkjet printer was invented with the increase in use of personal computers. The inkjet printer is now the cheapest and most versatile option for everyday digital color output. Raster Image Processing(RIP) is typically built into the printer or supplied as a software package for the computer; it is required to achieve the highest quality output. Basic inkjet devices do not feature RIP. Instead, they rely on graphic software to rasterize images. The laser printer, though more ex pensive than the inkjet, is another affordable output device available today.
1) What technology was primarily used for producing basic hard copy output in the early stages mentioned in the passage?
① Inkjet printers
② Dot matrix printers
③ Pen-and-ink plotters
④ Laser printers
위 글에 “early machines used pen-and-ink plotters to produce basic hard copy.”라고 설명되어 있다. 즉, 초기 기계는 pen-and-ink plotters를 사용하여 기본 하드 카피를 생성했다. 따라서 정답은 ③이다.
2) Which type of printer was utilized in the 1970s and 1980s for generating most visual output?
① Inkjet printers
② Dot matrix printers
③ Laser printers
④ Microfilm plotters
During the 1970s and 1980s, dot matrix printers were used to produce most visual output while microfilm plotters were used for most early animation.
( 1970년대와 1980년대에는 대부분의 시각적 출력에는 dot matrix printers가 사용되었으며, 초기 애니메이션에는 마이크로필름 플로터가 사용되었다.)
3) What innovation occurred in 1976 that revolutionized printing alongside the rise in personal computer usage?
① Introduction of raster image processing
② Development of laser printers
③ Invention of inkjet printers
④ Implementation of microfilm plotters
In 1976, the inkjet printer was invented with the increase in use of personal computers.
(1976년에 잉크젯 프린터가 개발되었으며 개인용 컴퓨터 사용이 증가하였다.)
4) According to the passage, Which explains the importance of Raster Image Processing (RIP) very well?
① It converts digital images into physical prints.
② It ensures the compatibility of printers with personal computers.
③ It enhances the speed of printing operations.
④ It is essential for achieving the highest quality output.
위 지문에는 “Raster Image Processing(RIP) is typically built into the printer or supplied as a software package for the computer; it is required to achieve the highest quality output.”라고 설명되어 있다. 이 내용에 따르면 RIP는 고품질 출력을 달성하는 데 요구된다고 하므로, RIP의 중요성은 고품질 출력이라고 할 수 있기 때문에, 정답은 ④이다.
5. 참고문헌
테스트영어연습, 이동국·이원주, 출판문화원, 2020.
  • 가격6,000
  • 페이지수10페이지
  • 등록일2024.03.02
  • 저작시기2024.03
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#1242514
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