장갑의 재료특성에 따른 국소진동감소에 관한 연구
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목 차

Ⅰ. 서 론
1.1 연구배경 및 필요성
1.2 연구목적

Ⅱ. 연구대상 및 방법
2.1 연구대상
2.2 방 법

Ⅲ. 연구결과 및 고찰
3.1 장갑착용전의 손에 전달된 진동 평가
3.2 장갑의 재질에 따른 국소진동 감소효과 비교
3.3 방진장갑과 일반장갑의 국소진동 감소효과 비교

부 록
감사의 글


the Hand- Arm Vibration Syndrome.;Scand.J.Work. Environ. Health, 1987; 13 : 330-333
Bovenzi M : Hand-arm Vibration syndrome and dose-response relation for vibration induced white finger among quarry drillers and stonecaevers.Occupational and Environmental Medicine.1994;51: 603-611
Donal E.Wasserman : An Overview of Occupational Whole-Body and Hand -Arm Vibration ; APPL. OCCUP. ENVIRON. HYG. 11(4). APRIL 1996.
정일록 , 소음진동 이론과 실무; 녹원출판사
한국표준연구소, 진동원리와 측정기술
A Study on Attenuation of Local Vibration
by Type of Glove Material
Se Wan Oh
School of Public Health
Seoul National University
Directed by Professor
Nam Won Paik, Ph. D., CIH
This study was conducted to evaluate vibration reduction effect of anti-vibration gloves, personal protectors for prevention of VWF (vibration-induced white finger)
Hand transmitted vibration of 8 anti-vibration gloves and 4 conventional gloves was evaluated. Using electric vibratory tools which are generating low frequency vibration, decreasing level of hand- transmitted vibration was measured [ISO 5349(1986)].
The conclusions of this study were as follows.
1) In gloves with visco elastic urethane polymer pad, hand- transmitted vibration was increased at 40 - 250 Hz (maximum value : 10.45 dB), but vibration reduction activity was increased in level more than 450 Hz. Therefore in high frequency evoking tools, anti-vibration gloves with visco elastic urethane polymer pad were recommendable.
2) Anti-vibration gloves showed the reduction effect of 2.2 dB(130.8 dB - 128.6 dB) given consideration to frequency-weighted factor, and revealed higher reduction effect than conventional gloves, which had 1.1 dB (130.8 dB - 129.7 dB) reduction effect.
3) In the frequency <60 Hz or >450 Hz, gloves had outstanding attenuation effects for the hand-transmitted vibration. On the contrary, the hand-transmitted vibration was increased to 10.45 dB by wearing gloves in the frequency range of 40- 250 Hz which have relatively high risk of vibration-induced white finger(VWF).
Neither standard vibration -measuring method nor standard for health protection were established in Korea, thus workers who have exposed to high local-vibration level in primary metal-working industry, coal-mining industry and automobile assembly line have experienced vibration-induced health problems. Therefore, the regulation for worker's exposure monitoring to local vibration and performance testing of anti-vibration should be established and followed by developing effective anti-vibration gloves for protecting workers.
Key Words : anti-vibration glove, hand-transmitted vibration, local vibration, vibratory tools, and VWF(vibration-induced white finger).
감 사 의 글
부드러운 미소와 인내로서 삶의 지혜와 지식을 가르쳐주신 백 남원 교수님, 그리고 정성껏 논문을 심사해 주시고 조언을 해 주신 이 홍근 교수님, 정문호 교수님께 감사드립니다.
바쁜 업무중에도 시간 배려를 아끼지 않으신 이 달수 과장님, 이 강만 청장님과 직장 선배님들, 자료수집과 실험에 조언해주신 분들, 부모님, 아내 미경, 지수, 지석이에게 작은 기쁨을 전하고자 합니다.
쾌적한 작업환경의 조성과 직업병 예방을 위해 전념하시는 분들과 만남의 기회를 갖게 된 것에 감사드리며 저의 작은 노력이 산업보건, 위생에 鷄鳴狗盜할 수 있기를 바랍니다.


  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수21페이지
  • 등록일2001.07.28
  • 저작시기2001.07
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#190128
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