기능중심 체육교육의 한계와 극복 방안
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Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 기능중심 체육교육의 문제점

Ⅲ. 새로운 체육교육을 위한 페러다임 전환

Ⅳ. 요약 및 결론


mpoary Philosophies of Pragmatism, Existentialism and Pheno- menolgy:, in R. N singer, D. R Lamb, M, Malina and S. Kleinman, Physical Education : An Interdisciplinary Apporoach, New York, Macmilan Company, 1972, p.367.
Tinning R.(1990). Ideology and physical education. Victoria: Deakin Univ. Press.
Limitation and Conquerable Plans of Technocratic Physical Education
Baek, Jong-Soo
The purpose of this study is to observe actual condition of the administration to school based physical education of technocentric approach, is to explore new directions of physical education retained educational means as the school education, is to grope new frame to overcome with limitations and problems appeared on the administration.
After the physical education introduced to school education, it is accomplished with meaning of the education through the physical for decades up to now, being focused to pursuit the motor technocentric learning, health protection and body strength, stress annulment, recreation, enjoyment etc which mean of measural values. Measural values become preferably changed to main object of physical education, also show only aspect inclined concern to external values of educational meaning than internal values of it. Therefore it is doubted about educational values and justification of physical education from various direction, because of being overlooked internal values of educational meaning, exactly qualitative level of physical activity, creative lived experience activity and such educational meanings as practical or actual moral education for the morality cultivation to be conquerable egoism and moral malice etc. Either if it overlooks internal values of educational meanings for the school based physical education, which is qualitative level as creative lived experience activity, imagination, enlightenment, and extension of movement possibility, or if it is nothing but a lesson to pursuit only external values of measural face, perhaps opinions need not to adhere only school will be obtained strong persuasion, because it can be preferably to promote health, to strength body, to train motor skill, to dissolve stress etc through better equipments and programs offered without limit at the sociality than the school. Therefore,
Education doing at the school firstly must have enough educational intention, pursuit rather such internal values of qualitative level as various lived experience activity, imagination, enlightenment, and extension of movement possibility than external values of measural meaning, it should be rearranged to the place of activity for actual moral education to be conquerable moral relaxation and to be cultivatable morality than a narrow meaning of technocentric learning. To realize such a physical education, first of all, need to be diverted awareness of gym teachers being experted with traditional methods throughly, should be established new value systems to recognize a educational meaning throughly as schooling.
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수16페이지
  • 등록일2002.07.21
  • 저작시기2002.07
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#198907
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