건강요인지향적 모델과 간호학
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건강요인지향적 모델(Salutogenic Model)
건강요인지향적 모델의 주요개념
1. 모델
2. 긴장유발요인(Stressors)과 긴장(Tension)
3. 전반적 내성자원(Generalized Resistance Resources)
4. 현실확신감(Sense of Coherence)
간호와 간호학에서의 응용가능성
Antonovsky 모델의 개선을 위한 몇가지 제언


ignificance of a sense of coherence for subjective health in persons with insulin-dependent diabetes. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 18, 381-386.
24. Murray, R., & Zentner, J. (1989). Nursing assessment and health promotion through the lifespan. Norwalk, Connecticut : Appleton and Lange.
25. Neuman, B. (1980). The Betty Neuman health-care systems model : A total person approach to patient problem. In J. P. Riehl, & C. Roy, (Eds.) Conceptual models for nursing practices. New York : Appleton Century Crofts.
26. Onega, L. L. (1991). A theoretical framework for psychiatric nursing practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 16, 68-73.
27. Pender, N. (1987). Health promotion in nursing practice. Norwalk, Conneticut : Appleton and Lange.
28. Reed, P. G. (1987). Constructing a conceptual framework for Psychosocial nursing. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing, 25(2), 24-28.
29. Riehl, J. P. (1980). The Riehl interaction model. In J. P. Riehl, & C. Roy, (Eds.) Conceptual models for nursing practices. New York : Appleton Century Crofts.
30. Roy, C. (1980). The Roy adaptational model. In J. P. Riehl, & C. Roy, (Eds.) Conceptual models for nursing practices. New York : Appleton Century Crofts.
31. Sullivan, G. C. (1989). Evaluating Antonovsky's Salutogenic model for its adaptability to nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 14, 336-342.
32. Sullivan, G. C. (1993). Towards clarification of convergent concepts : Sense of coherence. will to meaning, locus of control, learned helplessness and hardiness. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 18, 1772-1778.
33. Wikblad, K. F. & Montin, K. R. (1992). Coping with a chronic disease. Diabetes Educator, 18(4): 316-320.
34. Yi, E. S. (1995). Causal modeling of the determinants of functional status in underserved rural elderly. 버지니아대학교 박사학위청구논문
Antonovsky's salutogenic model
and nursing
Eun Suk Kong
Disease has been used for criteria in understanding health in nursing and medicine for several centuries. But some scholars point out that there is a problem to understand health by disease. Nursing has also been based on pathogenic perspective in its knowledge development and practices.
Aaron Antonovsky, a medical sociologist in Israel, suggests the Salutogenic Model to overcome the problems of pathogenic perspectives. According to him, an appropriate question in health is not why someone gets sick but why someone stays healthy while others do not. He thinks, since an individual is always moving on the ease/disease continum, what health professionals have to do is to help people move toward health(or ease). He emphasizes the importance of sense of coherence and generalized resistance resources of an individual in moving toward health and suggests ideas for research.
His theory makes nursing science reflect on its traditional pathogenic orientation more seriously. His ideas also stimulate nursing to develop theories and skills to move people toward health. His ideas can dramatically change traditional nursing education and practices.


건강,   요인,   지향,   모델,   간호학
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수13페이지
  • 등록일2002.07.22
  • 저작시기2002.07
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#198928
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