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동명사와 부정사에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.




re planning to stop to smoke since the government
⒜ ⒝ ⒞
has required health warnings on cigarette packages. [경기대학교]

2. ⒜No bank keeps ⒝enough money ⒞paying all its depositors ⒟in full at one time.
3. After the conductor had spent months to prepare for the concert, he was told that
⒜ ⒝
it had to be cancelled owing to political reasons.[연세대]
⒞ ⒟
4. Before to enter the first grade, most American children attend kindergarten.
⒜ ⒝ ⒞ ⒟
5. Naturally, one would not suspect that people like ourselves would neglect to
⒜ ⒝ ⒞
vote in an election.(고려대)

6. I dropped my gun and over the ice.[한신대]
⒜ have slid it ⒝ have it sliding ⒞ had it slide ⒟ had it to slide
7. Choose the wrong answer to the question.
A : Do you mind my staying here a little longer?
B : ( ). Please stay here as long as you like.
I have nothing much to do these days.
⒜ Yes, certainly ⒝ Not in the least
⒞ Certainly not ⒟ Of course not
8. "Did you see Charles swimming across the river ?"
"No, but I watched ." [서울여대]
⒜ he began ⒝ him to begin ⒞ him begin ⒟ his begin
9. "I won't take responsibility for what you do."
"Don't worry. Nobody ." [성신여대]
⒜ wants that you do ⒝ wants for you to do
⒞ makes you to do ⒟ wants you to
10. A good student must know .[홍익대]
⒜ to study hard ⒝ to be a good student
⒞ how to study effectively ⒟ the way of efficiency in study
11. ⒜Despite the cold weather, we ⒝kept on ⒞walk until our cheeks ⒟ got red. (홍익대)
12. There is no objection on our part for Tom joining the party if he is willing to ⒜ ⒝ ⒞
fit in with our plans. [동덕여대]

13. Temperatures to climb above 110 degrees Fahrenheit are common in the ⒜ ⒝ ⒞ ⒟
American Southwest.
14. Sugar Roy Robinson was the first man in boxing history to be winning a
⒜ ⒝ ⒞
divisional world championship five times.

15. There was nothing of his library.
⒜ left ⒝ to be left ⒞ leaving ⒟ to leave
16. Hundreds of wildlife refuges have been established throughout North America
⒜ ⒝
to provide animals with a safe place which to live.
⒞ ⒟
17. Because of the complexity of the modern machine, most offices require secretaries .(경원대)
⒜ to train specifiedy ⒝ specified in training
⒞ to have specified training ⒟ training specified
18. The polling was inaccurate and unsophisticated and thus virtually

useless in determining how thematically guiding the effort.(세종대)
⒝ ⒞ ⒟
19. the money without authorization will be criticized.(연세대)
⒜ If we spend ⒝ Our spend of ⒞ When we spent ⒟ Our spending
20. 가장 알맞은 것 고르시오. (광운대)
⒜ The ability to look at a culture objectively is the first step toward a better understanding of one's own society and behavior.
⒝ Drivers should adjust their speed accorded to weather and road conditions.
⒞ Instead of cite an abstract principle, women tend to consider how a particular act will affect a particular individual.
⒟ Buying on credit also makes it possible to be spreaded the payments over a period of time.
(정답) 1.⒝ 2.⒞ 3.⒝ 4.⒜ 5.⒟ 6.⒞ 7.⒜ 8.⒞ 9.⒟ 10.⒞
11.⒞ 12.⒝ 13.⒜ 14.⒞ 15.⒜ 16.⒟ 17.⒞ 18.⒟ 19.⒟ 20.⒜


  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수16페이지
  • 등록일2003.11.25
  • 저작시기2003.11
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#234446
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