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ing in the trunk. After a week her bridegroom and all the others gave her up for ( B ).
Months later a maid went up into the room just below the roof, looking for something she needed. Maybe it is in the trunk, she thought. ( C ) She opened it and screamed. There she found the missing bride in her wedding dress.
37. 윗글의 밑줄 친 ( A )가 실제로 가리키는 것을 윗글에 있는 영어 단어로 쓰시오. 상
38. 윗글의 흐름으로 보아 ( B )에 적절한 것은? 중
1) locked 2) shut
3) searched 4) called
5) lost
39. 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 중
1) The Minister and His Daughter
2) A Happy Wedding
3) A Body in the Trunk
4) A Hide-and-Seek
5) A Wedding Dress
40. 윗글의 ( C )에서 하녀가 왜 소리를 질렀는지 우리말로 설명하시오. 중
41. 윗글에 대한 다음 질문에 영어로 답하시오. 중
Q : Why did the bride hide in a trunk?
1, ② 2, ⑤ 3, ④ 4, ① 5, stood 6, ④ 7, ⑤ 8, ③ 9, ⑤ 10, ① 11, ① 12, ④ 13, ① 14, as 15, because 16, ① 17, ④ 18, ③ 19, bride 20, ② 21, missed→missing 22, ④ 23, as if 24, dead 25, shutted→shut, falled→fell 26, ④ 27, Why do you think so many are absent today? 28, ⑤ 29, ③ 30, ③ 31, Daisy 32, ② 33, The robber killed himself 34, the other 35, fast 36, Daisy의 무덤을 파서 루비 반지가 달린 그녀의 손가락을 잘랐다. 37, trunk 38, ⑤ 39, ③ 40, 트렁크 안에 신부가 죽어 있었기 때문 41, to play hide-and-seek game.


stood,   bride,   because,   as if
  • 가격1,300
  • 페이지수6페이지
  • 등록일2006.12.06
  • 저작시기1999.1
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#380547
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