공무원 영어단어(모의고사단어)
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turn into = become
type = kind
typically = commonly
ubiquitous = OMNIPRESENT, all over, universal
unambiguous : clear
unbearably = extremely
unbridled = unrestrained
undergoing - experience
undertaking (약속, 사업) ↔ digging (파기)
undisputed (명백한)
unequal - asymmetry (불공평, 비대칭)
uniformly = consisting
unique = particular
unsurpassed 탁월한
unwitting 모르는; 무의식적인 (unknowing, unconscious)
unwittingly (고의 아닌) = unintendedly
upbringing = education
upheaval: 밀어 올리기, 융기, (사회 상태) 격변
utterly = completely
vacant = empty
vague (모호한) = imprecise
vanished = completely
variety : type
vast - huge로 답했습니다.
vast = enormous
velocity : speed
vertigo = dizziness
vessel : container
vile (몹시 나쁜, 비열한) = wicked
virtually - nearly
virtually (실질적으로) = nearly
vital = essential
vivid = bright
vociferous (시끄러운)
warrior = fighter
weapons = arms
weariness = fatigue
wedge = division
wholesale : enormous
wide rage of = variety
wide range of - variety (wide range of chemical)
widespread = prevalent
wielding (사용하는) = using
wild = uncultivated
withstand = resist
work out = accomplish, exercise
ex) It's paying off to work out at the gym after classes in the evening.
wrath = anger
wring = squeeze


  • 가격1,300
  • 페이지수6페이지
  • 등록일2007.09.06
  • 저작시기2007.8
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#427320
본 자료는 최근 2주간 다운받은 회원이 없습니다.
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