[영문학] 형식주의접근법(The Formalist Approach)
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- The Formalist Approach ( 형식주의접근법이란 무엇인가? )

-What are the ways to a appreciate form? ( 형식을 이해하는 길은 무엇인가?)
▣ Alice Walker - Everyday Use

-A Formalist Approach to "Everyday Use"
① Symbol-상징
② Irony & Narrative Voice
[ 1. “Everyday Use“란 단어의 쓰임의 Irony ]
[ 2. 외적형식(구조) vs 내적형식(화자의 목소리)의 Irony ]
[ 3. 대조적 구조 ]
[ 4. 캐릭터 이름 속의 Irony ]
[ 5. 전통적 세계와 사회 경제적 세계의 대조 ]

-Alice walker?

-Everyday Use's Characters?


rded and never received proper schooling. She passively accepts everything that happens to her and is not used to getting her way.
[Mama] : (Mrs. Johnson) The narrator of the story. She is a middle-aged or older African-American woman living with her younger daughter, Maggie. She loves her way of life, as does Maggie. She loves both her daughters, but has always in some sort of way liked Dee more, not realizing that Dee is not how she has always seen her. We can prove this in the beginning of the story when Mrs. Johnson is describing both characters. Mama realizes this when at the end of the narration snatches the quilt away from Dee and hands it to Maggie.
[Dee] : (Wangero) Dee is Mrs. Johnson's older daughter. Dee and maggie are foils for each other. They are very different.
[Hakim-a-Barber] : A man that Dee comes with to meet her family. He is a Muslim. Mama refers to him as Asalamalakim, which is an Muslim greeting that means "peace and happiness". This is ironic because his and Dee's visitation disturbed the mother's and daughter's placid lifestyle. It is not known exactly what his relationship is to Dee, though he may be a friend, a boyfriend, husband or spiritual adviser.
  • 가격1,400
  • 페이지수6페이지
  • 등록일2007.11.02
  • 저작시기2007.11
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#434790
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