방카슈랑스의 현황 및 발전방향 (영문)
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방카슈랑스의 현황 및 발전방향 (영문)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


I. Introduction

II. Theoretical Background of Bancassurance
1. Concept and Background of Bancassurance
1) Concept of Bancassurance
(1) Bank
(2) Insurance(3) Bank liked Insurance
2) Background of Bancassurance
2. Type of Bancassurance
1) Sales coalition Method
2) Joint venture company
3) Incorponation of subsidiaries
3. Advantages and disadvantages of bancassurance
1) Advantages
(1) Reduction of Insurance Premium
(2) Convenience
2) Disadvantages
(1) Insurance planners' unemployment
(2) Illegal re-deposit

III. Bancassurance in Foreign Countries
1. Overall Situation
2. Comparison Studies of Advanced Countries
1) Status Quo of Bancassurance in Advanced Countries
2) Major Insurance Products and Trend of Entries
3) Bacassurance Licensees
3. Implications

IV. Status Quo and Future Direction of Bancassurance in Korea
1. Backgrounds for Introducing Bancassurance
1) Liberalization of Interest Rate and Banks' Profit Decline
2) One-Stop shopping
3) Obtaining Low-Costing Marketing Channels and Improving Public Acceptance on Insurance
2. Situation in Korea
1) Program Schedule
2) Current Sales Amount
(1) Life Insurance
(2) Nonlife Insurance
3) Bancassurance Alliances Situation
3. Issues
1) Arbitrary Bank due to Supremacy
(1) Imperfect Sale
(2) Illegal Re-deposit Custom
2) Weakening Strengths of Insurance Company, Inter-Industrial Imbalance due to Bank's Supremacy
3) Anxiety of Mass Unemployment of Insurance Planners
4. Future Directions
1) Fixing Mass Unemployment of Insurance Planners
2) Upgrading Position of Insurance Companies through Bancassurance
3) Reinforcing the Regime and Monitoring System
4) Respecting Customer's Privilege on Choosing and Comparing Products
5) Consistency in Policy Implementation

V. Conclusion


stimated number of unemployment, maybe overestimated, but it is obvious that unemployment among insurance planners will occur in the short term. Therefore the government should provide some unemployment allowances for them. It is expected that new jobs will be created after the settlement of Bancassurance system according to the growth of relevant markets.
2) Upgrading Position of Insurance Companies through Bancassurance
It is recommendable that the upgrading position of insurance companies up to the level of that of banks by magnificent enforcing of Bancassurance system. It is common sence that banks are in better position than the insurance companies at present. Assure-Banking system, which allows the ownership of insurance company on the bank will be needed to activate the competition. This system will promote the fair competition and cooperation, and provide benefits to the customer through the market invisible hands.
3) Reinforcing the Regime and Monitoring System
It is recommendable that providing the transparency of system and reinforcing the surveillance on banks in terms of imperfect sales and illegal re-deposit custom. Customer satisfaction survey will be one of powerful methods for this objective. Moreover establishing new law for bank's responsibility on sales of insurance products will be needed.
4) Respecting Customer's Privilege on Choosing and Comparing Products
It is recommendable that the benefit of Bancassurance system be given to the customers. There should not be any disturbances in information and freedom to choose the right products by customers.
5) Consistency in Policy Implementation
It is recommendable that the original program schedule be kept as announced. Unexpected withdrawl, for example the fourth step case, can not be encouraged any more. It will be needed that more time spending for reducing the secondary effects.
We discuss the staus quo and future directions of Bancassurance system. Bancassurance system is the tendency of the times and the global. Introducing and implementing of Bancassurance system are very important. It is recommended that the relevant issues will be carefully discussed and modified in right ways, as discussed already. The future directions are as followings.
It is recommendable to reinforce the surveillance on banks in terms of imperfect sales and illegal re-deposit custom, to upgrade position of insurance companies up to the level of that of banks, to create value chains to the customers, to provide some unemployment allowances for the unemployed insurance planners, and finally to make progress and new jobs in the insurance markets. The cautious approach will be needed.
It is recommendable to meet the global standards. More research will be needed to settle down the system and to make strengths. To introduce and implement Bancassurance system is inevitable for us to make progress, and will provide Korea good opportunity to be one of the advanced countries in financing system.


  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수11페이지
  • 등록일2010.01.06
  • 저작시기2008.6
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#571843
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