(영문) 세계 커피 산업 시장의 가격과 경제학 (The economics of the world coffee market)
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(영문) 세계 커피 산업 시장의 가격과 경제학 (The economics of the world coffee market)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. Introduction

2. The main economic features and trends in the world market for coffee during the period 2003-2008.

3. The factors which affected the demand for coffee during this period.

4. The factors which influenced the production /supply of coffee over this period.

5. Some of the ways in which governments might influence the price of coffee.

6. Conclusion


The Economics Of The World Coffee Market.
Theses days, worldwide, it has been reported that a great deal of people have living with coffee for centuries. In fact, according to the tutor2u, coffee is consumed 2.5 billion cups for each day. This amount of coffee is the second-most widely commodity in the world. Of course, there are a number of coffee productions in order to meet lots of demand for coffee. For example, according to the ICO in 2007/08, production of coffee and consumption was around 116.2 million bags and 125 million bags respectively. However, despite plenty of consumption all over the world, Pay (FAO Rome, 2009) argues that geographical region for production of coffee is limited around tropical area such as Brazil, Vietnam and Colombia etc. In addition, in these countries, according to the Economist (30/03/2006), most coffee progress included productions and sales are manufactured by approximately from 20 to 25 million groups of people who small-scale farmers are limited financial resources and money for their livelihood.
A. The main economic features and trends in the world market for coffee during the period 2003-2008.
*Coffee Price
In 2003, according to the ICO, coffee was not really expensive compare with other years. For example, in 2003, coffee price had fallen to less than one third of level in 1960. However it can be seen that the price was recovery. In other words, the price of coffee increased dramatically in the period of 2003/2004. The price of coffee rose for five consecutive years.
  • 가격1,900
  • 페이지수10페이지
  • 등록일2010.02.04
  • 저작시기2009.12
  • 파일형식워드(doc)
  • 자료번호#580763
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