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폭풍의 언덕 10페이지 영어레포트입니다.에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Emily Bronte


1. the importance and criticism on Emily Bronte & Wuthering Heights

2. criticism on each views

a. criticism on metaphysical view

b. criticism on feminism view

3. Analysis

a. relationship between Heathcliff & Catherine

b. contrast Wuthering Heights & Thrushcross Grange

c. about window

4. contrast with Jane Austen and Thomas Hardy

a. with Jane Austen

b. with Thomas Hardy




rs the love but in Wuthering Heights did not. Two women writer have a common thought that women should marry to her real love not to the social values. And all of women does.
b. with Thomas Hardy
Thomas Hardy and Emily Bronte differ in the point of the nature. Hardy's nature is the absolute world that suppress the character and the destiny was unevitable. There are contrasts between Tess and the nature while the Catherine and the nature in Wuthering Heights is the identical source. The nature in Wuthering Heights is feelable , touchable and favorable for characters. But the nature in Tess is untouchable and has a hostility to Tess. But the natures in those works have a commonness to be absolute. Both of them have great effects on characters.
I would compare the literature to a mirror. Because it is reflecting the soul of the readers. The great works are the clean mirrors to reflects the soul without distortions. The appreciation and impressions differs as the readers. The more mature the soul is , The more beautiful the reflected face is. The immature soul can't appreciate the greatest works. But we must effort to look at the mirror constantly even if we are immature because the efforts makes the beauty. The lady who doesn't look at the mirror can't be a beautiful woman. The soul is same.
Wuthering Heights shows that several truth of the life. As I age, the things that I couldn't seen or feel come true or visualize to me. As I age, I am realizing the invisible truth and providence and understand the words in the maxims. The love and the hatred are identical actually. Their features seem the opposite, but the inner values are same. In the sense, the man who can really hate someone can really love someone. The aging means that we became more indifferent for others or world and lose the passion that can hate or love. Wuthering Heights is showing this truth very well. I wonder the Bronte's widsom about the life. So I would say that Wuthering Heights is the representative for youth. But it has wisdom that youth rarely have.
1. 영미소설 해설총서 2권. 폭풍의 언덕 (고영란 저)
2. 영국소설의 흐름 (신재실 저)
3. 폭풍의 언덕 민음사
4. 폭풍의 언덕 도서출판 혜원
5. 폭풍의 언덕 범우사
6. 폭풍의 언덕 백양출판사
7. 폭풍의 언덕 홍신문화사
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수9페이지
  • 등록일2010.04.19
  • 저작시기2004.6
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#600568
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