국민은행 인수합병(M&A)를 통해 바라본 인사관리의 중요성
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국민은행 인수합병(M&A)를 통해 바라본 인사관리의 중요성에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


I. Introduction
Brief explanation on Kookmin bank

II. The Kookmin Bank
1. Processes of merging Kookmin bank
1.1. Background
1.2. Goal
1.3. Vision
2. Human resource managing policies in Kookmin bank
2.1. Job Analysis
2.2. Retiree Employee Support Program
2.3. Remodeling organizations
2.4. Rewards and pay
2.5. Constructing human resource managing information systems
2.6. Studying and training system, other employee benefit system
2.7. Harmonizing two different cultures

III. Effect

IV. Failed cases

V. Conclusion
The importance and role of HRM

VI. Reference


grievance against the staff promotion execution. They started a sit-down demonstration in front of Korea City bank head office. They insisted that old city bank employees were promoted the more high position as an executive director, despite there are lots of hanmi employee than city banker, 3.5:1. This is classic case about conflictofmanagement after merger. Actually before merger, a hanmi bank labor union had a strike in order to express merger objection for a long time. Right after merger, cultural, human complication events, great and small, occurred in succession. For example, labor union resisted the fact that English was chosen official language in the firm for employees from American City bank.
After merger, Seoul branch office labor union of City bank protested the fact that they undergowage difference. In other words, Employees from City bank receive the pay which is hanmi employee's pay 60~70%.
V. Conclusion
The importance and the rules of HRM on Merger
Up to now, we looked into KB and the other banks. We could know that the Mergers does not always guarantee the success and advancement of the company. We could know the success depends on the policy of HRM and the company cultures as well. In other words, the power of HRM department influences the success of merger. So, the executives in company need to get the HRM participate in the first level of the merger, and the HRM department must know exactly the rules for accomplishing merger and increase their ability. By these, HRM must appeal the executives that HRM policy is so important. What's the exact rules of HRM for merging?
According to the theory of the professor Pfeffer and Mintzberg(1990), there are five main rules of HRM for successful merger.
- Business Companion
The HRM department can not only manage the human resource support the employers but also learn the overall knowledgeon the business and propose the strategy in the future.
- Culture Manager
Before the company launch to merge, the HRM must analyze the cultures of both companies, and then set up the strategy for the combination of them.
-Internal Consultant
In case of occurring about legal or institutional problem related HRM, they
need to have a ability to propose the long-term solution.
-Change Manager
They have to recognize and set up the changes that can happen after merger.
And they need to make the confused employers understand that the changes
are absolutely necessary for the company induce them to combinate together.
They have to diminish the unnecessary conflict or misunderstanding that can
happen between the two companies' employers as a communicator.
VI. References
- “국민은행 합병 1년 절반의 성공,” 조선일보, 2002. 10. 30
- “미래의 인사제도...나이 성별보다 오직 실력,” 조선일보, 2002. 11. 21
- “신입사원 100명 선발 MBA 유학 보장,” 조선일보, 2002. 11. 5
- “은행권 동 -인력조정 바람에 술렁”, 매일경제, 2002. 11. 19
- “직원들 동요 막아라 -직원과 공감대 확보, 문화차이 극복해야” 한창호,
- “통합은행 주주이익 최우선- 김정태 국민은행장,”동아일보, 2001. 11. 1
- 세계 경제를 뒤흔든 월스트리트 사람들 , 우태희 지음
- 국민은행 홈페이지
- 금융감독원 홈페이지


  • 가격1,000
  • 페이지수13페이지
  • 등록일2010.04.27
  • 저작시기2005.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#605741
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