Not Being Concentrated In the Class.(수업시간에 집중 못하는 현상의 해결책)
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Not Being Concentrated In the Class.(수업시간에 집중 못하는 현상의 해결책)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


I. Introduction.

We listen many classes in every semester. But most of us don’t concentrate perfectly in the classes.

II. Body

A. sleeping enough before the class prevents dozing off in the class.

1. By sleeping enough, students can more concentrate in the class.

2. Unfortunately, there are some students who can’t concentrate at class in spite of enough sleep.

3. In such cases, only enough sleep can’t solve problems

B. The second solution is to study review and preview.

1. For example, pigeonholing a note promote to understand class.

2. It is clear students who understand class more concentrate than other students who don’t.

3. Unfortunately, too much studying decreases a class interest.

C. The most important solution is to participate in a class

1. Students can concentrate by asking a question, announcing, and warning to noisy peoples in a large class.

2. Professors need to effort, too

3. Unfortunately, it has realistic problem.

III. Conclusion

Students who concentrate in the class are satisfied about their whole university. So to satisfy university life, we have to find ways to solve the problem and concentrate in the class.


When a semester begins, university students have many classes. We listen not only major class but also cultured class at school. At home, almost of us do homework, review and preview.
Actually we pass most of university life having correlation with classes. But do all of us perfectly concentrate while the class time? The problem is we don’t that. According to research of Duksung women university, Korea university students concentrate only 52.8% in the small class, and 21.3%
  • 가격2,500
  • 페이지수3페이지
  • 등록일2010.04.30
  • 저작시기2006.02
  • 파일형식워드(doc)
  • 자료번호#606733
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