Violence in Religions
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Violence in Religions

Many of the cultures and rituals involved in monotheistic religions are relatively similar in the aspect that they all believe in one God. However, with this said, the main difference shown is how they believe, worship, and follow God is all different. The violence that exists in these people is caused through the differences in views, beliefs, traditions, and other surrounding countries that cause such a problem. Although in all three religions should be preferred peace over violence and war, even in modern times, this issue is still present and clearly show how crucial the differences are between the religions. In this context, people should deeply look back on the different circumstances for this matter and need to bring the apprehensive point of view upon each religious concept as the dimensions of the cultural and religious differences.

Out of the three religions, the rules are what actually separate each one to its unique state. The Jewish and Christians have relatively the same idea on suicide where God was considered the creator of all human being and one of the worst sins to commit is suicide. With that said, the Muslims have gone so far to the idea of suicide bombing. Personally, as I first heard about this, the general idea of killing yourself and others was seen to me as a ridiculous issue. The rules stated by God are similar throughout the religions and show that one must consider him or herself sacred and treat others with respect and love. Yet, the Muslims created such a destructive idea that has even caused the worst in not only America in 9/11, but it affected the whole world.
  • 가격20,000
  • 페이지수10페이지
  • 등록일2011.05.17
  • 저작시기2010.6
  • 파일형식기타(docx)
  • 자료번호#677866
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