5.고급수출 및 수입 영어시뮬레이션 심화과정
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5.고급수출 및 수입 영어시뮬레이션 심화과정에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


ase in raw materials, we may be forced to add additional 5% to our previous offer. We sincerely hope that you would understand the current situation of our company and this will meet with your immediate approval.
Thank you very much for your full efforts.
Best regards,
H K Yum/President
글로벌 종합무역상담영어사례
최종신용장개설 상담
We have also arranged with the Bank of America for an Irrevocable
letter of credit in your favor for USD 120,290.30 The advising bank,
Korea Exchange Bank in your city, will send you the L/C that you will
receive in a few weeks.
Lee: How is your business going on Mr. Smith? You know, how about the
arrangement of Letter of Credit on our Proforma Invoice No.2001?
Smith: Actually, your Proforma Invoice No. 2001 has been received today.
Having found it correct, we enclosed the duplicate duly signed by us
and send it on May 8 by DHL No. 394568.
Lee: Oh, yes, we would appreciate your follow-up actions.
Smith: Well, we have also arranged with the Bank of America for an
Irrevocable letter of credit in your favor for U$ 120,290.30. The
advising bank, Korea Exchange Bank in your city, will send you the
L/C that you will receive in a few weeks.
Lee: OK. Let me know the terms and condition of Irrevocable letter of credit
to report our boss such as the issuing bank, advising bank, and
Beneficiary in detail?
Smith: Yes, the issuing bank is the Bank of America and with Korea
Exchange Bank as the advising bank and UNIVERSAL CO., LTD as
Lee: How about the Credit Number and the expire date of the Irrevocable
Letter of Credit?, Mr Smith
Smith: Sure, the Credit Number is Irrevocable Credit No IC771187 of BOA New
York Branch with John Trading Co.,Ltd as applicant.
Lee: Could you tell us the additional documents what you want to request
regarding the Letter of Credit?
Smith: Well, what we want to ask the additional documents for the N/G
procedure with the following papers.
1) Signed Commercial Invoice in triplicate.
2) Full set of clean ON BOARD Ocean Bill of Lading made out to our order
marked "Freight Prepaid" and notify applicant.
3) Packing List in duplicate.
4) Insurance Policy or Certificate, in duplicate, endorsed in blank, covering for
full invoice value plus 10% with claims payable in New York in the
currency of the draft.
Lee: OK. I really appreciate your excellent explanation. I will, surely, report our boss.
Smith: Frankly speaking, this special order is very important for our company
and clients. We are very glad that we wind up the first contract so
promptly. We would like to ask you to ship them as soon as possible
and pay your close attention to the packing of the products.
Lee: All right. Is there anything else you want to request?
Smith: Yes, when you have completed the shipment, please send us the shipping samples
and let us know by fax or E-mail before the shipment. Thank you very much for
your deep cooperation.
Lee: Not at all. Let us make a long business relationship with you. Thank you a lot.
  • 가격1,800
  • 페이지수10페이지
  • 등록일2013.09.29
  • 저작시기2013.9
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#883266
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