인권보호 에세이 (납치로 인한 성노예,노동착취 등을 예로 하고 있음) Human Rights in Modern Society [영어,영문]
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인권보호 에세이 (납치로 인한 성노예,노동착취 등을 예로 하고 있음) Human Rights in Modern Society [영어,영문]에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Human Rights in Modern Society
Losing one’s freedom would be the worst thing that can happen in a human’s life. Some people think that there’s no more slavery in modern society, but it’s not true. Slavery still exists such as human trafficking and forced child labour. Freedom is the essential right that people should have, and human trafficking takes their rights. As Globalization leads international crime, human trafficking is also increased through many countries. The leaders of this crime usually sell or use the victims as laborers or prostitutes. Human trafficking steals some people’s lives; targets of human trafficking are often children and women. People need to pay more attention to defending human rights, even though crimes haven’t happened to them yet. To defend human rights, people should understand the concept and purpose of slavery, what kinds of slavery forms exist today and what factors people can actually participate to remove crimes which destroy one’s freedom.


  • 가격2,500
  • 페이지수7페이지
  • 등록일2015.06.14
  • 저작시기2015.5
  • 파일형식기타(docx)
  • 자료번호#973372
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