화씨 911(한글-영작) 및 줄거리 비평(한글-영작)
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화씨 911(한글-영작) 및 줄거리 비평(한글-영작)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. 화씨 911 줄거리
1.1 한글
1.2 영작

2. 화씨 911 비평
2.1 한글
2.2 영작

3. 느낀점과 토의
마이클무어가 부시를 판결하는 연극으로 승화
(대본-영작 및 한글)


iddle East people got flight training in an AeRiJoNa flight school,
but AeRiJoNa supervision FBI personnel reported it seemed to be related to
BinRaDen or terrorist on July for 2001 years Bush is report called BinRaDen
hijacking a civilian passenger airplane..(2001.5.15. CBS. CNN)
FBI arrested people related to BinRaDen in Boston, he got flight training and
was owning Boeing airplane a repair textbook and a flight textbook when arrested.
(2001.9.13 )
The BeuRiRaenDeu who was an American naval information officer got information
about terror in 911 from information worker (they being assassinated later) in Russia,
but he thought vain effort that let the United States know.
BeuRiRaenDeu is determined to disclose fact to the Canadian government.
However, the American government which noticed that chased him to a credit card
swindler and asked the Canadian police for an arrest.
Therefore, he is arrested and is detained on December 6 in 2000.
He conveyed a document about contents about 911 terror to an executive
officer on 11th in August for 2001 years.
It was read if they stood up on 14th in September for 2001 years, but was buried secretly.
(2001.10.23 toronto star)
FBI of MiNeSoTa arrested terror suspect MuSyaUI, they judge he received flight
teachings and there is possibility to attack the world trade center by air and
requested inspection approval of his notebook, but it is rejected.(2002. 5.20. new work)
Bush plans to happen previously, and a report is they receive,
and to have disregarded intentionally.
Here is the decision of this court for Bush
In this trial, we accept plaintiff Michael Moore's opinion. we decided to put Bush into the prison for his life and confiscate his every property by plotting terror act due to the law of national security


  • 가격1,500
  • 페이지수8페이지
  • 등록일2005.11.06
  • 저작시기2005.11
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#318540
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