노암 촘스키영어번역(유명한)
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자체로 보람이 있고 사회적으로 도움이 될 것일 것이다.사회가 평화로운 무정부주의의 시스템 아래 스테이트나 다른 독재적인 단체를 채택하지 않아 질 것이다.만약 아무 것이 존재했다면 근본적으로 모두가 싫어 한 일이 동일하게 모든 사람에게 분배해 질 것이다.
Though Chomsky was critical of the Soviet Union's approach to implementing socialism, asserting that "Lenin and Trotsky proceeded to create the basic proto-fascist structures converted by Stalin into one of the horrors of the modern age" [9], he was less critical of Communist movements in Asia, noting what he considered to be grassroots aspects of both Chinese and Vietnamese communism, such as in his 1968 essay, "Objectivity and Liberal Scholarship", where he claimed there were "certain similar features" with the Spanish anarchist movement of the 1930s (which he greatly admires), while at the same time cautioning that "the scale of the Chinese Revolution is so great and reports in depth are so fragmentary that it would no doubt be foolhardy to attempt a general evaluation".
그럼에도 불구하고 Chomsky 비판적인 소련 유니온 's 다가와라 실행하는 사회주의 주장하는 그것 "레닌 그리고 Trotsky 계속 나아갔 창조적인 일을 해라 베이직 proto-fascist 구조 바뀌는 스탈린 하나 공포이었었다.동시에 동안 그가 "중국 혁명의 스케일이 그래서 great와 깊이의 리포트가 너무 단편적이서 아니오 그것이 의심할 것이다는 것" "이 일반적인 평가를 시도하기 위해 무모한 것" 경고하는 것 대단히 감탄하는 1930s의 스페인 무정부주의자적인 이동을 가지고
In December 1967, during a forum in New York, Chomsky responded to criticisms of the Chinese revolution as follows, "I don't feel that they deserve a blanket condemnation at all. There are many things to object to in any society. But take China, modern China; one also finds many things that are really quite admirable". Chomsky continued, "[t]here are even better examples than China. But I do think that China is an important example of a new society in which very interesting positive things happened at the local level, in which a good deal of the collectivization and communization was really based on mass participation and took place after a level of understanding had been reached in the peasantry that led to this next step" [10].
뉴욕의 포럼 동안 1967 년 12 월에(서)Chomsky은 다음과 같이 내가 그들이 담요 견책을 전혀 받을 만한다고 생각하지 않는 중국어 혁명의 비평에 응답했다.모든 사회에(서)반대할 많은 일이 있다.그러나 중국,모던 도자기 가지고 가라;또한 하나는 정말로 매우 훌륭한 많은 일을 발견한다. "중국보다" Chomsky 계속되어서 "여기 t은 심지어 더 좋은 예이다" .그러나 나 생각해라 그것 중국 있는 중요한 예 새로운 사회 어느 것 재미 있는 확실 일 발생한 지역소식 수평으로 되어라 어느 것 좋은 거래 collectivization 그리고 공유화 있었 정말로이어라.
In contrast, he said of Vietnam: "Although there appears to be a high degree of democratic participation at the village and regional levels, still major planning is highly centralized in the hands of the state authorities" [11]. In a speech given in Hanoi on April 13, 1970 and broadcast by Radio Hanoi the next day, Chomsky spoke of his "admiration for the people of Vietnam who have been able to defend themselves against the ferocious attack, and at the same time take great strides forward toward the socialist society". Chomsky praised the North Vietnamese for their efforts in building a society of material prosperity, social justice and cultural progress. He also went on to discuss and support the political writing of Le Duan


  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수11페이지
  • 등록일2007.01.22
  • 저작시기2007.1
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#386811
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