[조직행위A+] KBS Organizational Behavior 영문레포트
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[조직행위A+] KBS Organizational Behavior 영문레포트에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


I. Introduction of KBS

II. Reason for reorganization in KBS

III. The intention and purpose of reorganization

IV. 8 kinds of reorganization contents

V. Description of issue or problem after reorganization

VI. Our alternative plan


I. Introduction of KBS
◈ The Korean Broadcasting System(KBS) is the public service broadcaster of Korea.
Since its first formation as a broadcasting station in 1947, KBS has been the country's leader in program production and audience service, spearheading developments in television, radio and broadcast technology. KBS initiated Korea's first television broadcasting in 1961 and completed organizational restructuring in 1973 to confirm its present-day role, the nation's public service broadcaster. KBS was positioned as the nation's key broadcaster by the Broadcasting Act of 2000.
KBS operates two terrestrial TV channels, one satellite TV channel and seven radio channels, including a multi-lingual channel (Radio Korea International) and the Voice of Love Broadcasting, a radio channel for the disabled and the elders. KBS maintains a nationwide network comprised of 25 local stations, ten overseas bureaus and three subsidiary companies.
◈ Public trust most valued asset
In today's environment of multi-faceted communication and media with a flood of information and sensationalized commercialism, KBS strives to fully satisfy the people's right to know and quality programming through honest and transparent management. By airing accurate and reliable news as well as high quality programs, KBS leads the way in setting the standard for Korea’s journalism and broadcasting culture.
  • 가격2,500
  • 페이지수14페이지
  • 등록일2010.05.31
  • 저작시기2010.5
  • 파일형식워드(doc)
  • 자료번호#615741
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