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3페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.




7. -------- rainy weather, tourists could enjoy seeing a spectacular view of the island.
(A) According to
(B) Without
(C) Aside from
(D) In addition
18 .If there is any defect found in the product, we will refund it ----- you can exchange it
(A) either
(B) or
(C) nor
(D) so
19. Mr. Lewis ------- has been appointed as a financial manager in the accounting division and will be in charge of all accounts.
(A) which
(B) what
(C) who
(D) whose
20. We expect the calculators that were shipped a week ago will arrive ------ there this afternoon or tomorrow.
(A) or
(B) also
(C) both
(D) either
21. Obtain health insurance seems to be a complicated process for foreigners who
are working at the construction site.
22. A large part of our job are to separate the raw materials that can be used in
glass production.
23. Computers are used in almost every aspects of our lives; in car engines,
microwave ovens, telephones, desktops at home and work.
24. Investors try to get information about the growth of a company's sales and profits
in effort to figure out the fair value of the current stocks.
25. All employees who are asking to attend the meeting will discuss the advertising
strategies for the new products.
26. After visiting the museum, they realized that the subjects relating to architecture
and design would be necessary to understand the visual arts.
27. Some time ago, it was an excited experience for me to go on business trip to
one of the branches in another city.
28. Cocoa trade has considerably increased over the years and many developing
countries' economies rely great on the export of cocoa
29. After discussing the construction project at yesterday's meeting, they concluded
that this year's appraisal forms should be returned to the financial department
no more than May 30.
30. Lead can also enter the body in household dust, nailbiting, thumb sucking, or
chewing on toys.
31. Although this growing awareness, much of the technology for measuring quality
of life remains similar to what it was twenty-five years ago.
32. The battery life is actually rate d to last for about four hours, therefore you can
watch a whole movie on it.
상품권 선물하기
  • 가격35,000
  • 페이지수9페이지
  • 등록일2010.06.04
  • 저작시기2003.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#616918
본 자료는 최근 2주간 다운받은 회원이 없습니다.
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