a whole new world inside books and they show me many things.
또한 저는 음악을 듣는것도 좋아합니다.
I also likes to listen to music.
특별히 좋아하는 클래식은 바흐의 g선상의 아리아 입니다.
My favorite classical music is Air on G String by Bach.
들어보시면 아실듯한 음악
- 가격 3,000원
- 등록일 2007.04.24
- 파일종류 한글(hwp)
- 직종구분 전문직
my job very much and I'm a very hard worker.
And My hobby is a baseball. Every Saturday, I go to ground for a baseball league match. My team name is FAST BALLERS and I'm a playing coach of my team. Because I'm the fastest runner in my team. Baseball is my Vitamin of my life. I will go on playing
- 가격 2,000원
- 등록일 2011.05.27
- 파일종류 워드(doc)
- 직종구분 기타
life insurance, life insurance, an affiliate of Prudential Life with forged between the promise and the customer, ie, the right life insurance products offer customers a promise to hold your entire life until that moment. My parents said, "Make haphazard study" instead of saying that you need to alw
- 가격 3,000원
- 등록일 2015.06.01
- 파일종류 한글(hwp)
- 직종구분 전문사무직
a father, showing himself his sincerity and diligence to me, sometimes I could not meet their great expectation, making them disappointed. However, thanks to their constant concerns and affection toward me, I could finally recognize the value of life and prepare myself for my future life. As a unive
- 가격 800원
- 등록일 2005.11.21
- 파일종류 워드(doc)
- 직종구분 전문직
a CEO since high school days.
Although my second language proficiency is not fluent enough, I have built up practical experience while working as a part-timer at a hotel, based on the theories I have learned in school.
If I can get the opportunity to work, that will be one of the most marvelous ex
- 가격 1,800원
- 등록일 2012.11.06
- 파일종류 한글(hwp)
- 직종구분 산업, 과학, 기술직