[취업] 자기소개서 작성법+예문
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[취업] 자기소개서 작성법+예문에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. 자기소개서란

2. 자기소개서 구성 항목

3. 자기소개서 작성법

4. 자기소개서 작성예문

5. 국문 자기소개서 실례1

6. Cover Letter(영문 자기소개서)

7. 영문 커버레터 실례1

8. 영문 커버레터 실례2

9. 자기소개서 작성란


가들이라 사회 초년생이 낸 Resume나 Cover Letter라고 해서 대충 넘어가고 이해해 주지 않는다. 따라서 Resume와 Cover Letter를 넣은 봉투에서부터 용지의 사이즈에 이르기까지 외형적인 면과, 두 서류의 format에 이르기까지 반듯한 인상을 주도록 노력해야 한다.
7. 영문 커버레터 실례1
Heemang Kim 1255-8, Namyoung-dong Yongsan-Gu Seoul Korea, 140-160
Mr. Y. J Kim
Personnel Manager
Duglas Computer Co., Ltd
42. Samsung-dong Kangnam-Gu Seoul Korea, 135 - 729
Dear Mr. Kim :
Monday's edition of OOIlbo was an agreeable surprise. Your advertisement for a computer programmer shined my day. As the enclosed resume shows the courses I took at university include Computer Process course and Economics, and the practical education taught me important skill in computer programming.
Therefore, I am confident that with my abilities I can make an immediate and valuable contribution to Duglas Computer Corporation.
I enjoy working,taking on challenges and accepting responsibilities.I am also ready for a new challenge.
I look forward to hearing from you in the near future to schedule an interview at your convenience.
I would appreciate it if you would call me at 02-915-9419 to set up an appointment. sincerely yours Heemang Kim
sincerely yours
8. 영문 커버레터 실례2
Hyunjun Joo Date of birth : 5/15/72
301 Shinsu-Dong, Mapo-Gu Seoul, Korea, 121-742 Sex : Male
Tel : (02) 705 - 4589 Marital status : Single
Mobil :011 - 485 - 5978 Nationality : Korea
An entry level position
A creative and aggressive young college student with positive attitude for a goal.
Excellent ability to be adapted to new situations and people.
Enjoy challenging in new fields and ideas.
Has been leadership position in the university.
Responsible and diligent.
Strong knowledge in trade field and the development of effective marketing plans through studying the major.
Outstanding communication skill in English : TOEIC 850 and TOEFL 555.
Excellent ability in speaking and writing English.
Computer literate : MS Office(Excel, Power Point), W/P, Internet.
Able to work well both independently as well as in a team.
Available as needed as training, travel, and overtime.
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration with a minor in psychology
Courses include Trade, International Trade, Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Market Research Methods, International Business Administration,Finance and Accounting, International Finance Market and Economics, etc.
Jul. 97 - May. 98 International Experience
Studied in SanDiego State University,SanDiego,USA.
Stayed with American family in their house.
Jun. 93 - Dec. 93 Serve in a restaurant Bremer,
Franchising coffee shop.
Served for customers and manage money.
Jan. 94 - Mar. 96 Served as Korean Army in a communication field.
Discharged from active duty on 9/7/96
Available upon request
sincerely yours


소개서,   이력서,   취업,   면접,   예문
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수11페이지
  • 등록일2006.02.03
  • 저작시기2006.02
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#523920
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