Ⅰ. 시작하며
Ⅱ. 중국 민법상 손해와 의료손해의 개념
Ⅲ. 「侵权责任法」 상 의료손해책임의 유형
Ⅴ. 맺으며
Ⅱ. 중국 민법상 손해와 의료손해의 개념
Ⅲ. 「侵权责任法」 상 의료손해책임의 유형
Ⅴ. 맺으며
어 사용으로 여전히 개정의 여지를 남겨두고 있다할 것이다. 김정진, “중국 「侵任法」상 의료손해책임에 관한 고찰”, 『의생명과학과 법』 제7권, 원광대학교 법학연구소 의생명과학법센터, 2012.6, 57면 이하 참고.
본문에서 논술한 바와 같이 의료분쟁의 해결을 위한 전제로써 그동안 민사법에서의 ‘손해’의 개념과 각 의료관련 행정법규에서의 ‘손해’를 명확하게 할 필요가 있다. 이러한 손해개념의 명확화는 「侵任法」상의 이른바 ‘의료손해책임’의 개념을 이해하는데 도움이 될 것이다.
世明著:『定理』, 北京:大出版社,2003
김정진, “중국 「侵任法」상 의료손해책임에 관한 고찰”, 『의생명과학과 법』 제7권, 원광대학교 법학연구소 의생명과학법센터, 2012.6
김정진, “중국 의료분쟁해결에 있어 협상 해결시스템 고찰”, 『과학기술법연구』 제19집 제1호, 한남대학교 과학기술법연구원, 2013.2
주 제 어
중국민법, 侵任法, 의료손해, 손해유형, 손해배상
Concept and Type of Medical Damage in Chinese Tort Law
Along with economic development, the concerns on the quality of life and health are growing in China. Accordingly, Chinese government stipulated medical related regulations and tried to solve medical disputes. However, the medical related regulations, stipulated as administration law with the purpose of imposing an administrative measure on the medical damages caused by a medical institution, are not effective to solve the liability for the medical damage compensation.
The problems occurring under medical related administration law system have been solved as enacting in December 26th of 2009 dealing with illegal acts(tort) independently. First of all, before the enactment of , there was dual interpretation problem among administration law, which are and , on the compensation for damage under the General Principles of Civil Law. The problem stemmed from the conceptual difference of “damage” between administration law and civil law. Taking into account the problem, the concept of the damage caused by medical accident is homogenized under the Tort Law. As a result, the subject to burden the liability is prescribed by law which gives an advantage over recovering rights and interests of patients. Moreover, the compensation for damage problems under the administration law are complemented once again as subdividing liability for medical damage into “liability for medical technical damage”, “liability for medical ethics”, and “liability for medical product damage.” However, the Tort Law has left room to modification because of using the superfluous provision and the wrong concept about “the liability for the medical damage.”
With this in mind, the article will examine the concept of damage under Chinese Civil Law and the concept of medical damage under the Tort Law first. It will also discuss the concept and type of the liability for the medical damage compensation generally. Hopefully, it will help Korean scholars study Chinese medical law.
Key Words
Chinese Civil Law, Tort Law, medical damage, types of damage, compensation of damage
본문에서 논술한 바와 같이 의료분쟁의 해결을 위한 전제로써 그동안 민사법에서의 ‘손해’의 개념과 각 의료관련 행정법규에서의 ‘손해’를 명확하게 할 필요가 있다. 이러한 손해개념의 명확화는 「侵任法」상의 이른바 ‘의료손해책임’의 개념을 이해하는데 도움이 될 것이다.
世明著:『定理』, 北京:大出版社,2003
김정진, “중국 「侵任法」상 의료손해책임에 관한 고찰”, 『의생명과학과 법』 제7권, 원광대학교 법학연구소 의생명과학법센터, 2012.6
김정진, “중국 의료분쟁해결에 있어 협상 해결시스템 고찰”, 『과학기술법연구』 제19집 제1호, 한남대학교 과학기술법연구원, 2013.2
주 제 어
중국민법, 侵任法, 의료손해, 손해유형, 손해배상
Concept and Type of Medical Damage in Chinese Tort Law
Along with economic development, the concerns on the quality of life and health are growing in China. Accordingly, Chinese government stipulated medical related regulations and tried to solve medical disputes. However, the medical related regulations, stipulated as administration law with the purpose of imposing an administrative measure on the medical damages caused by a medical institution, are not effective to solve the liability for the medical damage compensation.
The problems occurring under medical related administration law system have been solved as enacting
With this in mind, the article will examine the concept of damage under Chinese Civil Law and the concept of medical damage under the Tort Law first. It will also discuss the concept and type of the liability for the medical damage compensation generally. Hopefully, it will help Korean scholars study Chinese medical law.
Key Words
Chinese Civil Law, Tort Law, medical damage, types of damage, compensation of damage
공무원의 직무상 불법행위로 인한 손해의 배상에 대한 고찰(행정상의 국가배상)
공무원의 위법한 직무행위로 인한 손해배상
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[행정법]행정상 손해배상제도에 대한 각국의 입법례와 우리나라의 경우
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공무원의 위법한 직무행위로 인한 손해배상에 대한 행정법상 검토
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공무원의 직무상 불법행위로 인한 손해배상
CFR분쟁사례 - CFR 물품결함 손해배상요구 (CFR 개념, 사례 식별, 사례 개요, 판결요약, 법적...
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