1. 머리말: 다시 근대화론을 넘어서
2. 냉전-분단체제와 동아시아 반공블록
3. 반공 권위주의-개발 정권. 국가 자본주의와 외향적 발전 전략
4. 재벌의 압축 성장. 권위주의 정권과 재벌의 정경유착
5. 원시적, 가부장적 테일러주의와 국가의 배제적 노동통제양식
6. 맺음말
2. 냉전-분단체제와 동아시아 반공블록
3. 반공 권위주의-개발 정권. 국가 자본주의와 외향적 발전 전략
4. 재벌의 압축 성장. 권위주의 정권과 재벌의 정경유착
5. 원시적, 가부장적 테일러주의와 국가의 배제적 노동통제양식
6. 맺음말
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명을 향하여]에 수록 ). 창작과 비평사.
Deyo F.C 1987, The Political Economy of the New Asian Industrialism, Cornell Univ.Press.
Deyo F.C 1989, Beneath the Miracle:Labor Subordination in the New Asian Industrialism,
Univ. of California Press.
Gereffi G. and D. Wyman eds. 1990, Manufacturing Miracles: Paths of Industrialization in
Latin America and East Asia, Princeton Univ. Press
Hagen Koo ed. 1993, State and Society in Contemporary Korea,Cornell Univ.Press
Haggard S 1990, Pathways from the Periphery :the Politics of Growth in the Newly
Industrializing Countries, (Ithaca:Cornell Univ.Press)
Hamilton C.1986, Capitalist Industrialization in Korea, Westview Press
Hamilton N 1982, Limits of State Autonomy: Post-Revolutionary Mexico,Princeton Univ.Press
Hamilton N 1984, Class,State and Industrialization in South Korea,Sussex Institue of
Developing Studies Bulletin, April
Jong-Il You 1995, " Changing capital-labour relations in South Korea", in J. B. Schor and
Jong-Il You (eds.), Capital, the State and labour: A Global Perspective, Edward Elgar.
Kang D.C 1995," South Korean and Taiwanese development and the new institutional
economics", Institutional Organization, 49/3, Summer.
Laclau E 1990, New Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time, Verso
Lanzarotti M 1992, La coree du sud : une sortie du sous-development, PUF.
Leudde-Nuerath R 1986, Imports Controls and Exports-oriented Development: A Reassessment
of the South Korean Case, Westview Press
Limqueco P. et al 1983, Neo-marxist Theories of Development, St. Martin's Press.
Lipietz A 1986, Mirages et miracles: problems de l'industrialisation dans le tiers monde,
Editions La Decouverte
Luebbert G.M. 1991, Liberalism, Fascism or Social Democracy, Oxford Univ.Press.
Morin E et Kern A.B, 1993, Terre-Patrie, Editions du Seuil.
Ominami C 1979, Apercu critique des theories du development en Ameique latine,Revue Tiers
Monde, 20/80, oct-dec,
Ominami C 1986,Le tiers monde dans la crise: Essai sur les transformations recentes des
rapports Nord-Sud, Editions La Decouvete.
Petras J. et al 1976, Critical Perspectives on Imperialism and Social Class in the Third World
Monthly Review Press
Rueschemeyer D.et al 1992, Capitalist Development and Democracy, Polity Press.
Rustow D.A. 1970, "Transitions to Democracy: Toward a Dynamic Model", Comparative
Politics, 2
Schottler P 1985, Naissance des bourses du travail, PUF.
Texier J. 1995, Revolution et Democracy dans la pense politiuqe de Marx et Engels,
Internatiolan Marx Congress, Paris.
Therborn G 1977," The Rules of Capital and the Rise of Democracy", NLR 103.
Touraine A 1994, Qu'est-ce que la democratie ?, Fayard
Wade R.1990, Governing the Market: Economic Theory and the Role of Government in East
Aaian Industrialization, Princeton Univ.Press.
Wallerstein I 1979, The Capitalist World Economy, Cambridge Univ. Press.
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남북한 정치체제와 권력구조 비교
북한의 정치.외교.안보.군사체제의구조와기능
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