1. 서론
2. 역사유물론의 재구성과 방법론적 개인주의
1) 코헨에 의한 역사유물론의 재구성과 기능적 설명
2) 방법론적 개인주의와 미시적 기초
3 역사유물론의 미시적 기초
1) 소유형태 변화의 미시적 기초
2) 소유관계적 착취론의 비역사성
2. 역사유물론의 재구성과 방법론적 개인주의
1) 코헨에 의한 역사유물론의 재구성과 기능적 설명
2) 방법론적 개인주의와 미시적 기초
3 역사유물론의 미시적 기초
1) 소유형태 변화의 미시적 기초
2) 소유관계적 착취론의 비역사성
nalytical Marxism; A Critique, verso.
Roemer,J.(1978) "Neoclassicism, Marxism, and Collective Action," Jorunal of Economic Issues, vol.12, no.1.
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-------(1980) "A General Equilibrium Approach to Maxian Economics," Econometrica vol.48, no.2.
-------(1981) Analytical Foundations of Marxian Economic Theory, Cambridge Univ. Press.
-------(1982a) A General theory Exploitation and class, Harvard Univ Press.
-------(1982b) "New Directions in the Marxian Theory of Exploitation and Class," in Roemer ed.(1986b).
-------(1982c) "Porperty Relation vs. Surplus Value in Marxian Exploitation," Philosophy & Public Affairs, 11.
-------(1982d) "A Critique and Reinterpretation of Marx's Labor Theory of Value: Comment," Philosophy & Public Affairs, 12.
-------(1982f) "Methodological Individualism and Deductive Marxism," Theory and Society, vol. 11, no.4.
-------(1982g) "Reply," Politics & Society, vol.12, no.3.
-------(1985a) "Should Maxist be Interested in Exploitation?" in Roemer ed.(1986b).
-------(1985b) 「사유와 사유재산의 외부효과」 in Elster,J. & K.Moene ed.(1989).
-------(1985c) "Equality and Talent," in Roemer(1994b).
-------(1985d) "Rationalizing Revolutionary Ideology," Econometrica, vol.53, no.1.
-------(1986a) Value, Exploitation and Class Haward academic Publisher.
------- ed.(1986b) Analytical Marxism, Cambridge Univ.Press.
-------(1986c) "Rational Choice Marxism; Some Issues of Method and Substance," in Roemer ed.(1986b).
-------(1988) Free to Loose, Radius.
-------(1989a) "Second Thought on property relations and exploitation," in Roemer(1994a).
-------(1989b) "Marxism and Contemporary Social Science," Review of Social Economy, vol.47, no.4.
-------(1994) Egalitarian Perspectives, Cambridge Univ Press.
Samuels,W.J. ed.(1992) New Horizons in Economic Thought, Edward Elgar.
Schweikart,D.(1988) "Reflections on Anti-Marxism : Elster on Marx's Func- tionalism and Labor Theory of Value," Praxis International, vol.8, no.1.
Sen,A.K.(1973) On Economic Inequality, Oxford Univ. Press.
Taylor,M.(1986) "Elster's Marx," Inquiry, vol.29, no.3.
Van Parijs,P.(1983) "Why Marxist Economics Needs Microfoundations : Postscript to an Obituary," Review of Radical Political Economics, vol.15, no.2.
Ware,R. & K.Nielsen ed.(1989) Analyzing Marxism, Univ. of Calgary Press.
Warren,M.(1988) "Marx and methodological individualism," in Carver & Thomas ed.(1995).
Weldes,J.(1989) "Marxism and methodological Individualism," Theory and Society, vol. 18.
Wood,A.(1981) "Marx and Equality," in Roemer ed.(1986b).
-------(1986) "Historical Materialism and Fnctional Explanation," Inquiry, 29.
Wood,E.M.(1989) "Rational Choice Marxism : Is the Game Worth the Candle?," 손호철 편역(1993) 「합리적 선택 맑스주의: 할만한 게임인가?」,『계급으로부터의 후퇴』, 창작과 비평사.
Wright,E.O.(1989) "What is Analytical Marxism," in Carver & Thomas ed.(1995).
---------, A.Levine & E.Sober(1992) Reconstructing Marxism, Verso.
Roemer,J.(1978) "Neoclassicism, Marxism, and Collective Action," Jorunal of Economic Issues, vol.12, no.1.
-------(1979) "Divide and Conquer: Microfoundations of a Marxian Theory of Wage Discrimination," The Bell Journal of Economics, no.10.
-------(1980) "A General Equilibrium Approach to Maxian Economics," Econometrica vol.48, no.2.
-------(1981) Analytical Foundations of Marxian Economic Theory, Cambridge Univ. Press.
-------(1982a) A General theory Exploitation and class, Harvard Univ Press.
-------(1982b) "New Directions in the Marxian Theory of Exploitation and Class," in Roemer ed.(1986b).
-------(1982c) "Porperty Relation vs. Surplus Value in Marxian Exploitation," Philosophy & Public Affairs, 11.
-------(1982d) "A Critique and Reinterpretation of Marx's Labor Theory of Value: Comment," Philosophy & Public Affairs, 12.
-------(1982f) "Methodological Individualism and Deductive Marxism," Theory and Society, vol. 11, no.4.
-------(1982g) "Reply," Politics & Society, vol.12, no.3.
-------(1985a) "Should Maxist be Interested in Exploitation?" in Roemer ed.(1986b).
-------(1985b) 「사유와 사유재산의 외부효과」 in Elster,J. & K.Moene ed.(1989).
-------(1985c) "Equality and Talent," in Roemer(1994b).
-------(1985d) "Rationalizing Revolutionary Ideology," Econometrica, vol.53, no.1.
-------(1986a) Value, Exploitation and Class Haward academic Publisher.
------- ed.(1986b) Analytical Marxism, Cambridge Univ.Press.
-------(1986c) "Rational Choice Marxism; Some Issues of Method and Substance," in Roemer ed.(1986b).
-------(1988) Free to Loose, Radius.
-------(1989a) "Second Thought on property relations and exploitation," in Roemer(1994a).
-------(1989b) "Marxism and Contemporary Social Science," Review of Social Economy, vol.47, no.4.
-------(1994) Egalitarian Perspectives, Cambridge Univ Press.
Samuels,W.J. ed.(1992) New Horizons in Economic Thought, Edward Elgar.
Schweikart,D.(1988) "Reflections on Anti-Marxism : Elster on Marx's Func- tionalism and Labor Theory of Value," Praxis International, vol.8, no.1.
Sen,A.K.(1973) On Economic Inequality, Oxford Univ. Press.
Taylor,M.(1986) "Elster's Marx," Inquiry, vol.29, no.3.
Van Parijs,P.(1983) "Why Marxist Economics Needs Microfoundations : Postscript to an Obituary," Review of Radical Political Economics, vol.15, no.2.
Ware,R. & K.Nielsen ed.(1989) Analyzing Marxism, Univ. of Calgary Press.
Warren,M.(1988) "Marx and methodological individualism," in Carver & Thomas ed.(1995).
Weldes,J.(1989) "Marxism and methodological Individualism," Theory and Society, vol. 18.
Wood,A.(1981) "Marx and Equality," in Roemer ed.(1986b).
-------(1986) "Historical Materialism and Fnctional Explanation," Inquiry, 29.
Wood,E.M.(1989) "Rational Choice Marxism : Is the Game Worth the Candle?," 손호철 편역(1993) 「합리적 선택 맑스주의: 할만한 게임인가?」,『계급으로부터의 후퇴』, 창작과 비평사.
Wright,E.O.(1989) "What is Analytical Marxism," in Carver & Thomas ed.(1995).
---------, A.Levine & E.Sober(1992) Reconstructing Marxism, Verso.