I. 한국언론과 민주사회
II. 커뮤니케이션 시스템의 변화와 민주사회 발전
III. 개발도상국의 근대화를 위한 커뮤니케이션 이론
IV. 근대화를 위한 커뮤니케이션 이론의 수정
1. 한국언론과 경제발전
2. 한국언론과 정치발전
3. 한국언론과 계층 및 지역간 격차
V. 결론 및 제언
II. 커뮤니케이션 시스템의 변화와 민주사회 발전
III. 개발도상국의 근대화를 위한 커뮤니케이션 이론
IV. 근대화를 위한 커뮤니케이션 이론의 수정
1. 한국언론과 경제발전
2. 한국언론과 정치발전
3. 한국언론과 계층 및 지역간 격차
V. 결론 및 제언
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McLeod, J. M., Kosicki, G. M., & Pan, Z. (1991). On understanding and misunderstanding media effects. In J. Curran & M. Gurevitch (Ed.), Mass media and society (pp. 235-266). London: Edward Arnold.
McQuail, D. & Karen, S. (1986). New media politics. London: Sage.
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McQuail, D. (1991). Mass media in the public interest: Towards a framework of norms for media performance. In J. Curran & M. Gurevitch (Ed.), Mass media and society (pp. 68-81). London: Edward Arnold.
McQuail, D. (1992). Media peformance: Mass communication and the public interest. London: Sage.
Merrill, J. C. (1993). Professional reporting vs. journalistic ethics: A fundamental quandary in journalism. In Mass media and the future society (a book gathering papers presented at the first international conference of the Graduate School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Korea University).
Miraldi, R. (1995). Charles Edward Russell: "Chief of the muckrakers". Journalism & Mass Communication Monographs, Vol. 150.
Murdoc, G., & Golding, P. (1978). Theories of communication and theories of society. Communication Research, 5, 390-456.
Neuman, W. R., Just, M. R., & Crigler, A. N. (1992). Common knowledge: News and the construction of political meaning. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
O'Donnell, G., & Schmitter, P. C. (1986). Transitions from authoritarian rule: Tentative conclusions about uncertain democracies. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Rogers, E. M. (1962). The diffusion of innovations. Glencoe, IL: Free Press.
Rogers. E. M. (1976). Communication and development: The passing of a dominant paradigm. Communication Research, 3, 213-240.
Rogers, E. M., & Shoemaker, F. (1973). Communication of innovations. New York: Free Press.
Rosengren, K. E. (1981). Mass media and social change: Some current approaches. In E. Katz & T. Szecsko (Ed.), Mass media and social change (pp. 247-263). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Salmon, C. T. (1989). Campaigns for social "improvement": An overview of values, rationales, and impacts. In C. T. Salmon (Ed.), Information campaigns: Balancing social values and social change (pp. 19-53). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Shim, J. C. (1995). The rise of an ethnic newspaper. Journal of International Communication, 2, 134-154.
Stamm, K. R. (1985). Newspaper use and community ties. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Tichenor, P. J., Donohue, G. A.., & Olien, C. N. (1980). Community conflict and press. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Woo, Jisuk (1996). Television news discourse in political transition: Framing the 1987 and 1992 Korean presidential elections. Political Communication, 13, 63-80.
Youm, K. H. (1994). South Korea's experiment with a free press. Gazette, 53, 111-126.
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