I. 머리말
II. 이론적 고찰
1. 허즈버그의 동기위생 이론
2. 조직구성원의 몰입도 (Employee Commitment)
3. 조직구성원의 사기와 생산성
4. 공공부문과 민간부문간의 차이점
5. 직무동기와 직무성과에 영향을 미치는 요인들
6. 가설
III. 자료의 수집 및 조작화
1. 자료 수집 방법
2. 변수의 선정
3. 변수의 측정 및 사용
4. 분석 기법
IV. 분석 및 해석
1. 직무동기에 영향을 미친 요인들
1) 공.사조직 구성원들의 직무동기에 영향을 미친 요인들
2) 공조직과 사조직 구성원들의 직무동기에 영향을 미친 요인들
2. 직무 성과에 영향을 미치는 요인들
V. 마무리
참고 문헌
II. 이론적 고찰
1. 허즈버그의 동기위생 이론
2. 조직구성원의 몰입도 (Employee Commitment)
3. 조직구성원의 사기와 생산성
4. 공공부문과 민간부문간의 차이점
5. 직무동기와 직무성과에 영향을 미치는 요인들
6. 가설
III. 자료의 수집 및 조작화
1. 자료 수집 방법
2. 변수의 선정
3. 변수의 측정 및 사용
4. 분석 기법
IV. 분석 및 해석
1. 직무동기에 영향을 미친 요인들
1) 공.사조직 구성원들의 직무동기에 영향을 미친 요인들
2) 공조직과 사조직 구성원들의 직무동기에 영향을 미친 요인들
2. 직무 성과에 영향을 미치는 요인들
V. 마무리
참고 문헌
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Dwore, Richard B. and Bruce P. Murray, Robert Parsons, Phil Smith, Lawrence Vorderer, Gary Gustafson(1997). "Job satisfaction of selected categories of Utah hospital managers," Hospital Topics (Winter), Vol 75 No 1.
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Hodgett, R. M. and F. Luthans(1994). International Management. 2nd ed. NewYork: McGraw-Hill.
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Lester, Paula E(1987). "Development and factor analysis of the Teacher Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (TJSQ): Validity Studies," Educational and Psychological Measurement (Spring), V47, N1.
Livingstone, Hugh and Roy Wilkie(1981)."Motivation and Performance among Civil Service Managers," Public Administration, Vol. 59(Summer), 151-172.
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Maidani, Ebrahim A.(1991). "Comparative Study of Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory of Job Satisfaction among Public and Private Sectors," Public Personnel Management, Vol. 20 No. 4(Winter), 441-448.
Amold, H. J and D. C. Feldman(1982). "A Multivariate Analysis of Deteminants of Job Turnover," Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.67, No.3.
Aranya, Nissim, Talma Kushnir and Aharon Valency(1986) "Organizational Commitment in a Male-Dominated Profession," Human Relations, Vol. 39, No. 5.
Blood, M. R(1969). "Wook and Job Satisfaction," Journal of Psychology, Vol.53.
Bockman, Valerie M.(1971). "The Herzberg Controversy," Personnel Psychology, Vol.24, 155-189.
Box, W. Randy, Randall Y. Odom and Mark G. Dunn(1991). "Organizational Values and Value Congruency and Their Impact on Satisfaction, Commitment and Cohesion: An Empirical Examination within the Public Sector," Public Personnel Management, Vol. 20 No.1(Spring), 195-205.
Dwore, Richard B. and Bruce P. Murray, Robert Parsons, Phil Smith, Lawrence Vorderer, Gary Gustafson(1997). "Job satisfaction of selected categories of Utah hospital managers," Hospital Topics (Winter), Vol 75 No 1.
Emmert, Mark A. and Walied A. Taher(1992). "Public sector professionals: the effects of public sector jobs on motivation, job satisfaction and work involvement," American Review of Public Administration, (March) Vol22 No1.
Fukami, C. V and E. W. Larson(1984). "Commitment to Company and Union Parallel models," Journal of Vacational Behavior, Vol.69.
Herzberg, Frederick B.(1966). Work and the Nature of Man. World Publishing Company.
Herzberg, Frederick B.(1987). "One more time: How do you motivate employees?" Harvard Business Review, 65(5), 109-120.
Hodgett, R. M. and F. Luthans(1994). International Management. 2nd ed. NewYork: McGraw-Hill.
Hofstede G.(1980). Culture's Consequences: International Differences in Work-related Values. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
Hofstede G.(1991). Culture' and Organizations: Software of the Mind. London: McGraw-Hill.
Hrebiniak L. G and J. A. Aluto(1972), "Personal and Role-Relate Factors in the Development of Organizational Commitment", Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol.17.
Kinni, Theodore(1998). "Why we work?" Training, (August) V35 N8.
Lester, Paula E(1987). "Development and factor analysis of the Teacher Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (TJSQ): Validity Studies," Educational and Psychological Measurement (Spring), V47, N1.
Livingstone, Hugh and Roy Wilkie(1981)."Motivation and Performance among Civil Service Managers," Public Administration, Vol. 59(Summer), 151-172.
Luthans, Fred, Donald Baack, and Lew Taylor(1987). "Organizational Commitment: Analysis of Antecedents," Human Relations, Volume 40, Number 4.
McClelland, D. C.(1961). The Achieving Society. Prinstone. NJ: Van Nostrand.
McClelland, D. C. and D. H. Burnham(1976). "Power is the Great Motivator," Harvard Business Review, Vol. 54, No.2, 100-110.
Maidani, Ebrahim A.(1991). "Comparative Study of Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory of Job Satisfaction among Public and Private Sectors," Public Personnel Management, Vol. 20 No. 4(Winter), 441-448.
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