1과 ( 1번 ~ 8번 )
2과 ( 1번 ~ 13번 )
3과 ( 1번 ~ 11번 )
2과 ( 1번 ~ 13번 )
3과 ( 1번 ~ 11번 )
donian 451 e. cessna G-CLUB
A. a. G-LL b. N058 c. N2VD d. No abbreviation e. cessna UB
4. If an aircraft fails to establish radio contact with a ground station, what is the first action which should be taken?
the aircraft station should attempt to establish communication with other aircraft or other aeronautical stations on frequencies appropriate to the route being flown.
( in addition, an aircraft operating within a network should monitor the appropriate VHF frequency for calls from nearby aircraft )
5. If, following the above procedure, comms failure is suspected, what are the next four points which should be checked?
① the correct frequency has been selected
② the station being called is open for watch
③ the aircraft is not out of radio range
④ the receiver volume is correctly set
6. If it is suspected that lack of communication is due to aircraft equipment failure, what procedure should now be followed, and why?
A. messages should be transmitted twice on the designated frequency, preceded by the phrase "'TRANSMITTING BLIND", in case the transmitter is serviceable
7. Following comms failure, what is the full SSR code to be used?
A. A7600+c
8. Define the state of distress
A. A condition of bing threatined by serious and/or imminent danger and of requiring assistance-심각하거나 절박한 위험에 처하여 즉각적인 도움을 필요로 하는 상태
모든 다른 송신에 우선권을 갖는다
9. Define the urgency message
A. A condition concernin the safety of an aircraft or other vehicle, or of some person on board or within sight, but not requiring immediate assistance
항공기, 차량, 탑승객, 승객의 안전과 관련된 상황으로서 즉각적인 도움을 필요로 하지 않는 상태. 조난 메시지를 제외한 다른 모든 통신에 우선권을 갖는다
10. During a practise emergency, should SSR code A7700 be used?
no, unless required by the controller
11. Write out the full distress message in the correct order
② name of station addressed (when appropriate and time and circumstances
permitting) - 호출되는 기지국의 명칭, 필요시, 시간, 상황
③ callsign (항공기 식별부호)
④ type of aircraft (항공기 형식)
⑤ nature of the emergency (조난상태의 성격)
⑥ intention of the person-in-command (기장의 의도)
⑦ present or last known position, flight level/altitude, and heading
(현재 또는 마지막으로 알고있는 항공기의 위치, 고도, 기수방향)
⑧ any other useful information (기타 유용한 정보)
A. a. G-LL b. N058 c. N2VD d. No abbreviation e. cessna UB
4. If an aircraft fails to establish radio contact with a ground station, what is the first action which should be taken?
the aircraft station should attempt to establish communication with other aircraft or other aeronautical stations on frequencies appropriate to the route being flown.
( in addition, an aircraft operating within a network should monitor the appropriate VHF frequency for calls from nearby aircraft )
5. If, following the above procedure, comms failure is suspected, what are the next four points which should be checked?
① the correct frequency has been selected
② the station being called is open for watch
③ the aircraft is not out of radio range
④ the receiver volume is correctly set
6. If it is suspected that lack of communication is due to aircraft equipment failure, what procedure should now be followed, and why?
A. messages should be transmitted twice on the designated frequency, preceded by the phrase "'TRANSMITTING BLIND", in case the transmitter is serviceable
7. Following comms failure, what is the full SSR code to be used?
A. A7600+c
8. Define the state of distress
A. A condition of bing threatined by serious and/or imminent danger and of requiring assistance-심각하거나 절박한 위험에 처하여 즉각적인 도움을 필요로 하는 상태
모든 다른 송신에 우선권을 갖는다
9. Define the urgency message
A. A condition concernin the safety of an aircraft or other vehicle, or of some person on board or within sight, but not requiring immediate assistance
항공기, 차량, 탑승객, 승객의 안전과 관련된 상황으로서 즉각적인 도움을 필요로 하지 않는 상태. 조난 메시지를 제외한 다른 모든 통신에 우선권을 갖는다
10. During a practise emergency, should SSR code A7700 be used?
no, unless required by the controller
11. Write out the full distress message in the correct order
② name of station addressed (when appropriate and time and circumstances
permitting) - 호출되는 기지국의 명칭, 필요시, 시간, 상황
③ callsign (항공기 식별부호)
④ type of aircraft (항공기 형식)
⑤ nature of the emergency (조난상태의 성격)
⑥ intention of the person-in-command (기장의 의도)
⑦ present or last known position, flight level/altitude, and heading
(현재 또는 마지막으로 알고있는 항공기의 위치, 고도, 기수방향)
⑧ any other useful information (기타 유용한 정보)
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