An Examination of Selected Marketing Mix Elementsand Brand Equity
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An Examination of Selected Marketing Mix Elementsand Brand Equity에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. 연구 목적 및 배경

2. 이론적 배경

3. 가설

4. 연구방법

5. 결과

6. 결론


onses for analysis.
- Average age of the respondents was 23.7 years; 47 percent were men and 53 percent were women; 34 percent worked full-time, 46 percent worked part-time, and 20 percent did notwork; and 66 percent were Caucasian, 23 percent were African American, 2 percent were Hispanic, 6 percent were Asian, and 3 percent were of other ethnic origins
- Twelve versions of the questionnaire were prepared, such that each version was customized for 1 of the 12 brands. The question items were identical across the versions, and only the brand name was different in the items.
- In the introduction section of the questionnaire, the purpose of the study was described and the importance of a respondent’'s cooperation was stressed.
- the use of student respondents was not a drawback for our study.
First, surveys showed that the college students were primary consumers who had experienced the three product categories used as stimuli in our study.
Second, for theory-testing research, a student sample has been deemed acceptable and even desirable.
5. 결과
1) Measurement Model
Step 1. Measure reliability check.
Step 2. Exploratory factor analysis.
Step 3. Confirmatory factor analysis.
2) Structural Model
6. 결론
1) Future Research
empirically, researchers need to consider the model between the group of brand experiencers
and the group of nonexperiencers and the model among groups of different brand loyalty levels distinguished by the behavioral pattern of repurchase records.
2) Limitations
- First, a major conceptual limitation is that our model tests only a few marketing efforts.
- Second, our study examines the effect of individual marketing decision variables and does not investigate the interactions among them.
- Third, we use perceptual, not actual, measures of marketing effort.
- Fourth, when the actual marketing expenses are related to brand equity, as suggested, the role of brand equity as a return-on-investment measure in marketing is revealed.
- Fifth, generalizability of the findings can be enhanced, replicating this study with more product categories, including profit or nonprofit services and industrial products, different types of subjects, and other cultures.
  • 가격1,000
  • 페이지수9페이지
  • 등록일2010.01.19
  • 저작시기2006.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#576101
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