손에 잡히는 비즈니스영어회화사례 22차
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손에 잡히는 비즈니스영어회화사례 22차

▶Dialogue 48
We\'d like to provide the plant manager as well as the technical supervisor.
1. 예문
2. 해설

▶Dialogue 49
It\'s only reasonable then that the overall management should be in our hands.
1. 예문
2. 해설


eers. We have several outstanding candidates for the plant manager I really feel that they should be considered.
2. 해설
합작회사의 종합경영분야인 마케팅, 판매증진, 재정, 회계 등에 대하여 논하고 이와 함께 투자율에 대하여 상호 주장을 하는 내용이다.
♣Useful Expressions
Matters such as marketing, sales promotion, financing and accounting are importance.
It's only reasonable that the overall management should be in our hands.
At this conjunction, we'd like to be as close to equal as possible.
Our people will have more reason to work at this venture if our investment share is high.
We'd have to insist on the right of refusal, whatever share we held.
We also propose an investment ratio of 8-2 with UNIPIA holding the majority.
We've been thinking about the idea of forming a joint venture with UNIPIA locally.
Generally speaking, the first part contains the basic points for establishing the joint venture.
We would be responsible for lending technology and providing one engineer.
The selection on the project would be based on the results of our market surveys.
We have several outstanding candidates for the plant manger.
be responsible for :
marketing activities :
equal (same) investment :
when it comes to decision :
original proposal :
  • 가격1,100
  • 페이지수6페이지
  • 등록일2013.08.09
  • 저작시기2013.8
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#871346
본 자료는 최근 2주간 다운받은 회원이 없습니다.
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