Beginning of the 4G-LTE & Wimax,4G,LTE,wimax
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Beginning of the 4G-LTE & Wimax,4G,LTE,wimax에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. Evolution Roadmap of Mobile Communication Technology
2. 4G`S standardization trend
▴IMT-2000 & IMT-Advanced
▴4G mobile communication characteristic
▴Development route of LTE, Wimax
▴3Gpp LTE ( Long Term Evolution)
▴Mobile WiMax(802.16)
▴Load map for 4G
3. Used technology of LTE & Wimax
▴FDM(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing)
▴IMO(Multiple Input Multiple Output)
▴WB(초광대역 기술 : Ultra Wide Band)
▴Smart Antenna
▴SDR:Software Defined Radio(소프트웨어기반 이동통신 기술)
4. The domestic market trend
▴limitation of mobile data traffic and 3G
▴In position of domestic telecom corp
5.The world with 4G technology
▴The data age has come
▴Cloud computing
▴Ubiquitous computing
▴Offering of the rest various fusion services
6. Wibro-LTE, \'can they go with together?\'


ey will go out of the business.
5. The world with 4G technology
The data age has come
- Faster speed of web surfing, Generalization of video phone
- Full HD/UHD class video and generalization of service on broadcasting service
- 3D video and the age of IP-based fusion service have come
- offer N-screen service
Can offer contents regardless of time and place
Cloud computing
- Offer an all-around IT-related service through web server
- Generalization of storage cloud
- Open the way of evolution to cloud which can process data
- The infinitive expansion of a hidden infrastructure behind cloud and
The age which can connect with infinitive data has come
- A prospect to grow on a scale of one hundred and fifty million dollars until 2013
- Give an impetus to development of 4G technology which can access to the server regardless of time and place
Ubiquitous computing
- Connection of electronic space and physical space
- Connect every object to the network which is never disconnected
- In every real world, we can use computer
- Ultimately it will suggest the direction of development of ubiquitous computing
- Potentiality which can provide a new paradigm of unpredictable ubiquitous computing
Offering of the rest various fusion services
6. Wibro-LTE, 'can they go with together?'
- If they accord with standard qualification, both of them can be record to standard technology
- In europe, More than 70% mobile telecom market want to use LTE
- Market share of LTE is going to expansion more and more
- As Europe company's scale is more larger like Nokia, Ericsson, Global market
will be bigger than now
- LTE gives convenience through compatibility of WCDMA
- It will be develop following preoccupy to having superiority of technology
IEEE 802.16m 규격의 표준화 및 기술동향(손중제 삼성전자 수석 연구원 외)
IMT-Advanced 시스템을 위한 IEEE 802.16m 표준화 동향 (임광재,윤철식 / 전자통신동향분석 제23권 제3호)
IEEE 802.16m 표준화 동향 (삼성전자 통신연구소 표준연구팀(최호규 책임))
3GPP LTE및 LTE-Advanced 표준화 동향(ETRI 전자통신동향분석 제23권 제3호 )
3GPP TR 25.913 - v7.3.0, RequirementsforEUTRAandEUTRAN,
3GPP TS 36.300 v8.0.0, E-UTRAandE-UTRANOverallDescription,
Wibro에서CDMA대신OFDMA사용이유 (
TDD(Time Division Duplex) & FDD(Frequency Division Duplex) (
서강대학교 COMM LAB
MIMO 무선기기 측정을 위한 SDR 기반의 테스트 솔루션(니케이 (
4세대 이동통신 표준 단체인 IEEE 802.16m의 표준화 동향 (김남기 / 경기대학교 컴퓨터과학과 교수)
아주대학교 전자공학부 김영길 교수님과 김재현 교수님(광대역통신, 이동통신네트워크) 강의노트


  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수10페이지
  • 등록일2014.01.28
  • 저작시기2014.1
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#903374
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