1. 온배수의 특성
2. 온배수의 영향
3. 온배수의 이용현황
4. 온배수로 키운 어류 방류
1. Characteristics of the thermal discharge
2. Impact of thermal discharge
3. Utilization of thermal discharge
4. Fish released that were grown in warm-water discharge
2. 온배수의 영향
3. 온배수의 이용현황
4. 온배수로 키운 어류 방류
1. Characteristics of the thermal discharge
2. Impact of thermal discharge
3. Utilization of thermal discharge
4. Fish released that were grown in warm-water discharge
cal residents took part, I went to an event that discharged into the waters around each nuclear power plant each. Until last year since 1997, by the discharge to waters surrounding the seafood (10 420 million won worth of market value) 8.5 million animals flounder, such as abalone, KHNP has contributed to the increased income of residents .
In this way, the business of stocking fish, has become the representative examples that will prove the safety of the nuclear power plant and cleanliness and usefulness of thermal discharge. KHNP is planning to discharge through business and fish form continued in the future, to transfer farming technology and increase of surrounding waters fishery resources. This thermal discharge should further expand the use and development of resources as another.
In this way, the business of stocking fish, has become the representative examples that will prove the safety of the nuclear power plant and cleanliness and usefulness of thermal discharge. KHNP is planning to discharge through business and fish form continued in the future, to transfer farming technology and increase of surrounding waters fishery resources. This thermal discharge should further expand the use and development of resources as another.
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