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린 참가자들에게 어떤 남자가 4개의 햄버거를 3분만에 충동성에 의해 먹어 치우는 비디오를 보여줬다. 비디오늘 보고 나서 참가자들은 첫 번째 실험 방법을 이용하여 충동성에 의해 햄버거를 먹은 남자를 평가하였다. 우린 또한 참가자들이
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cision-making. Cognition. Willis, J. and Todorov, A, (2006). First impression: making up your mind after 100-ms exposure to a face. Psychol.Sci. Wojciszke. (1994). Multiple Meanings of Behavior: Construing Actions in Terms of Competence or Morality. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Woj
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: Dickinson, K.A., & Pincus, A. (2003). Interpersonal analysis of grandiose and vulnerable narcissism. Journal of Personality Disorders, 17, 188-207. Wink, P. (1991). Two faces of narcissism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 61, 590-597. 연구배경 연구방법 연구결과 및 논의:
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Journal of personality and Social psychology, 2004, Vol. 86, No5, 744-759 Copyright 2004 by American psychological Association - 성격심리학, Robert M. Liebert/ Lynn Langenbach Liebert , 시그마프레스, 2003 - 정신분석학적 대상관계이론, 제이그린버그, 한국심리치료연구소, 1999 
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of Child Psychology: Socialization, Personality and Social Development, Vol 4, 167-230. New York: Wiley. Hodeges, E. V. E., Perry, D. G.(1999). Personal and interpersonal antecedents and consequences of victimization by peers. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70, 677-685. Newcomb, A. F.
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  • 페이지 14페이지
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  • 등록일 2002.08.29
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