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R. D., Feild, H. S., & Barrick, M. (2015). \"Human Resource Selection\" (8th ed.). South-Western Cengage Learning. Salgado, J. F., & Moscoso, S. (2019). \"Personnel Selection.\" In International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (2nd ed.). Elsevier. Van Iddekinge, C. H., Roth, P. L.,
  • 페이지 6페이지
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  • 등록일 2024.01.26
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R. G., Ludeke-Freund, F., Henriques, I., & Seitanidi, M. M. (2021). Toward collaborative cross-sector business models for sustainability. Satish, K. (2021). Embracing Environmental Sustainability: The Case of Microsoft Corporation. Available at SSRN 3882786. Suchman, M. C. (1995). Managing legitimac
  • 페이지 9페이지
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  • 등록일 2023.06.27
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L., Nash, R. C., & Randenborgh, M. V. (1994). The financial and operating performance of newly privatized firms: an international empirical analysis. Journal of Finance, 49(2), pp. 403~452. OECD Guidelines Preamble, 2005. “Throughout the Guidelines, the term "SOEs" refers to enterprises where the st
  • 페이지 28페이지
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  • 등록일 2017.04.06
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L. Neiger, R. Thackeray, and M. C. Fagen, Basic priority rating model 2.0 : current applications for priority setting in health promotion practice. Health Promotional Practices Vol.12, No.2, 2011 김재희, 지역보건의료계획에서 우선순위선정 방법에 대한 분석과 함의, 한국콘텐츠학회논문
  • 페이지 10페이지
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R, Maulik PR. (2013) Diversity-oriented general protocol for the synthesis of privileged oxygen scaffolds pyrones, coumarins, benzocoumarins and naphthocoumarins. Org. Biomol. Chem., 11, 5239-5253 [5] Dias LC, Kuroishi PK, de lucca EC. Jr. (2015) The total synthesis of (-)-cryptocaryol A. Org. Biomo
  • 페이지 11페이지
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  • 등록일 2020.06.12
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L. G. Katz (Ed.), Current topics in early childhood education(pp. 17-31). Norwood, NJ: Ablex. Tanner, D., & Tanner, L. (1990). History of the school curriculum. New York:: Macmillan. Tobin, J. (1995). Post structural research in early childhood education. Wing, L. A. (1995). Play is not the work of
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L & Caffarella, R. (Eds.). Experiential learning: A new approach. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Mathis, R.L., & Jackson, J.H.(2000). Human Resource Management (9th edition). South-Western. Werner, M. C.(1995). Australian key competencies in an international perspective. Adelaide: NCVER.
  • 페이지 71페이지
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R. Carveth and A. Alexander, "Soap Opera Viewing Motivations and the Cultivation Process." Journal of Broadcating & Electronic Media, 29(1985). D. Rouner, "Active Television Viewing and the Cultivation Hypothesis", Journal of communication, Spring, 1984. W. James Potter, " Perceived Reality and the
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R. McManis, Taking TRIPs on the Information Superhighway: International Intellectual Property Protection and Emerging Computer Technology, 41 Vill. L. Rev. 207 (1996). James H.A. Pooley외 공저, Understanding the Economic Espionage Act of 1996, 5 Tex. Intell. Prop. L.J. 177, 195(1997). J.H. Reichma
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  • 등록일 2013.08.11
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L., & James, H. T. (1987). The nation's report card. Cambridge, MA: National Academy of Education. Ashlock, R. B. (1990). Error patterns in computation: A semi-programmed approach (5th ed.). Columbus, OH: Charles E. Merrill. Badian, N. A. (1983). Dyscalculia and non-verbal disorders of learning. I
  • 페이지 21페이지
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  • 등록일 2011.04.15
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