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논문 189건

in Comparative Politics," in Structuring Politics: Historical Institutionalism in Comparative Analysis. New York: Cambridge University Press. Tilton, Mark. 1996. Restrained Trade: Cartels in Japan's Basic Materials Industries. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Upham, Frank K. 1993. "Privatizing Regu
  • 페이지 23페이지
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  • 발행일 2010.06.16
  • 파일종류 한글(hwp)
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S.-ROK Policy Agreement 31 3. Anti-Americanism 34 b. The People’s Republic of China 38 1. Negative Factors 40 2. Positive Factors 43 c. Japan 45 d. Russia 47 2. Reducing Political differences between the two Koreas 48 a. Unification policy 48
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  • 발행일 2010.06.02
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in Collectivism? Toward Conceptual Clarification of Individualism and Collectivism. Psychological Review, 114,(1), 133-151. Cousins, S. (1989). Culture and Self-Perception in Japan and the United States. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 56 (1), 124-131. Hong Y-Y (2000). Multicultural mi
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  • 발행일 2011.12.31
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S. Hanaoka & T. Shimada, "Characterizinf Japanese Outsourcing Present Status and Trends of IS Outsourcing in Japan", INFORMS(Draft), 1995 Sheridan M. Tatsuno, 김순규 역, 『일본의 벤처기업』, 오리진, 1997 William D. Bygrave & Jeffrey A. Timmons, Venture Capital at the Crossroad, Harvard Business Scho
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  • 발행일 2005.01.27
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in M. L. Dertouzos & J. Moses, eds., The Computer Age: A Twenty-Year View ,Cambridge: The MIT Press. Sola Pool, I. de 1973, "Citizen feedback in political philosophy", in I. d. S. Pool ed., Talking back: Citizen feedback and cable technology, Cambridge: MIT Press, 1973. Toffler, Alvin 1970, Futur
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in the age of the Internet, The Entertainment and Sports Lawyer, 17(1), 9. Koren, N.E. (1995). Copyright law & social dialogue on the Information Superhighway: The case of against copyright liability of Bulletin Board Operators. Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal. Vol 12. no. 2 p. 356. Levy, S
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S. (1995). Sleep disturbance in mid-life woman. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 22, 562-568. Devries, R. & Zan, B. (1994). Moral classrooms, moral children : creating a constructivist atomosphere in early education. New York : Teachers College Press. Everhart, J. E., Go, V. L., Johmmes, R. S., Fitzsimm
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  • 발행일 2009.09.16
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in Literature, 1780-1980. NY: Peter Lang. 1985. Levi, Joseph. “Hawthorne\`s The Scarlet Letter: A Psychoanalytic Interpretation,” The American Imago. Vol 10, No 4. (1953 Winter) : 291-305. Loggins, Vernon. The Hawthornes: The Story of Seven Generations of an American Family NY: Columbia UP. 1951.
  • 페이지 12페이지
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  • 발행일 2010.01.25
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S. (1995). Sleep disturbance in mid-life woman. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 22, 562-568. Everhart, J. E., Go, V. L., Johmmes, R. S., Fitzsimmons, S. C., Roth, M. P., & White, L. R. (1989). A longitudinal survey of self-reported bowel habits in the united states. Dig Dis Sci, 34, 1153-1162. Karlhein
  • 페이지 22페이지
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  • 발행일 2009.09.16
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in the World Coffee Market: The Case of Korea, U.S.A., Japan Market. Korean J Culinary Res 10(3): 65-82. Kim DJKim GJ (2010). A Comparative Study between Product and Service for Process to Form Intent of Repeat-Visit and Word-of-mouth -Case of family restaurants in Daegu region. Korean J Hospitality
  • 페이지 15페이지
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  • 발행일 2010.12.21
  • 파일종류 한글(hwp)
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