반고흐의방 미술작품 분석(영작)
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반고흐의방 미술작품 분석(영작)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.




iture and a disease frame already becoming more attractive with a rearranging figure put in order and seems to be going to transmit a message of the anything hope to the plan which Harumitsu stood and directs a light, calm atmosphere. The table which is almost left-sided red makes red and harmony of the futon and approaches the feeling that is warmer than other pictures, and the point where perspective drawing is applied clearly, and diagonal structure put a cushion on a chair is seen in two chairs more clearly. I promote the feeling that things are expressed three-dimensionally more so that there is dynamism, and curve line frames are still weightless, and a green work floats in the plan, and seems to go with a bright color in this way. I showed a room of 4 squear meter Gogh with a model. It is a point with the figure which it is fantastic, and light lights up through a window for a modern sense. The feeling that a couple of country which is more generous to the small room of a country than the plum single bud like Gogh lives in seems to be more right. I feel like I am rough while everybody darkens thrifty life figure and every direction by brown light, and it is smaller, and being seen, but understand that it is the summer when I did it to the refreshing, dark green each tree outside the window. I had an important opportunity to understand a work called room "of" Gogh even a little. Color sense and feel of a material and composition receive the future when they cannot predict it in the past when he is ignorant of this picture for all. When his life and his character were different, I understood that different paintings could appear, and a famous painter could never become. When I find out able something or other, the psychoanalysis has an important position. The art is the thing which is inseparable from his personal fate in Vincent van Gogh in this way. It is explosion of the existence of his work namely boyfriend and is a cry of his uneasiness or his joy. And because news from development of what kind of pictorial idea is exhaust, and his life is what kind of aesthetics-like adventure, I precede it and am the mental tragedy of the one interval. Chapter Mari Ray was able to hit linkage with a pistol at the age of 37 years old to suffer from poverty and mental disease for the life and art of van Gogh who finished life by oneself so much. The original act of the oneself combustion that everybody had burnt "oneself to a picture made van Gogh art creatively. This; is individual, and the original style of painting was able to move to n younger student painter, and last the head in the best value until today; ". I look around slowly in my room, and I had it of "here in this small room, but there is it in a head of me who am the infinite space where I cannot tear the size in with literature. It will be in the space that is a mystery of the creation in a room here is my room, and this minds I oneself, and to sympathize with. Like a room of Gogh....
  • 가격4,000
  • 페이지수13페이지
  • 등록일2011.12.19
  • 저작시기2011.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#721571
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