1. 연구목적
2. 연구가설의 설정
3 설문의 구성 및 자료의 수집
4. 자료의 분석
5. 시사점 및 결론
2. 연구가설의 설정
3 설문의 구성 및 자료의 수집
4. 자료의 분석
5. 시사점 및 결론
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Dittmar, Helga, & Pepper, Lucy, "to have is to be : Materialism and person perception in working-class and middle-class British dolescents", Journal of Economic Psychology 15, 1994, PP. 233∼251.
Furnham Adrian & Lewis, Alan, the Economic Mind : the social psychology of economic behaviour, St. Martin's Press, Great British, 1986 PP. 11∼45.
Harrah, Jacklyn & Friedman, Morroe, " Economic Socialization in Children in a Midwestern American Community", Journal of Economic Psychology 11, 1990, PP. 495∼513.
Hollis, Martin, & Nell, Edward, J., Rational Economic Man, Cambridge University Press, 1975, PP. 47∼64.
Joachim Scholz, "Postmaterialism Values and Socialisation", paper presented at the 11th IAREP Annual Colloquium, 1986, in Maital, Sholomo (ed.) Applied Behavioural Economics, New York University Press, U.S.A. 1988 PP.403∼411.
Lea Stephen, E.G., tarpy, Roger, M. & Webley, Paul, Individual In the Economy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1987, PP. 371∼399.
Leiser, David, & Guje, Sevon & Levy, Daphna, "Children's Economic Socialization: summerizing the cross-cultural comparison of ten countries", Journal of Economic Psychology 11, 1990, PP. 591∼614.
Levy, Roland, "Economic Socialization : basis for international comparisons", Journal of Economic Psychology 11, 1990, PP. 467∼482.
Levy, Roland, Christine, & Dominiqu, Lassarre "Understanding Children's Economic Socialization" in Klaus, G. Grunert & Folke Olander, (ed.) Understanding Economic Behaviour, Kluwer Academic Publishers, the Netherlands, 1989 PP. 347∼368.
Lewis, Alan & Webley, Paul & Furnham Adrian, the New Economic Mind : the social psychology of economic behaviour, HARVEStER WHEAtSHEAF, Great British, 1995 PP. 17∼52.
Lunt, Peter, "Rethinking the ralationship beween economics and psychology", Journal of Economic Psychology 17, 1996, PP. 275∼287.
Maital, Sholomo & Maital, Sharone, L. "Psychology and Economics" in Maital, Sholomo & Maital, Sharone, L. (ed.) Economics and Psychology, Edward Elgar Publishing Company, England, 1993 PP.3∼38.
Maital, Sholomo, Minds, Markets, and Money : psychological foundations of economic behavior, Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, New York, 1982 PP.3∼8d.
Nakhaie, M. R., "Knowledge of profit and interest among child in canada", Journal of Economic Psychology 14, 1993, PP. 147∼160.
Prince, Melvin, "Self-concept, money beliefs and values", Journal of Economic Psychology 14, 1993, PP. 161∼173.
Richins, Marsha, L. & Rudmin, Floyd, W. "Materialism and Economic Psychology" Journal of Economic Psychology 15, 1995, PP. 217∼231.
Warneryd, Karl-Erik, "Social Influence on Economic Behavior" in Van Raaij, Van Veldhoven, G.M. & Warnerd, K.E. (ed.) Handbook of Economic Psychology, 1988, PP.207∼248.
Webley, Paul, Levine, Mark & Lewis, Alan, "A Study in Economic Psycology : Children's Saving in a Play Economy", in Maital, Sholomo & Maital, Sharone, L.(ed.) Economics and Psychology, Edward Elgar Publishing Company, England, 1993 PP.61∼82.
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