I. 머리말
II. 목표관리(MBO)제도에 기반한 업적평가체계의 수립
1. 업적평가 방식으로서의 목표관리(MBO)제도
2. 사례 조직의 MBO식 업적평가체계
III. 연봉제의 설계 및 운영
1. 일반적인 연봉제 설계 방안
2. 사례 조직의 연봉제 설계 방식
IV. MBO식 업적평가제도와 연봉제 운용과정에서 예견되는 주요 문제점들
V. 맺음말
II. 목표관리(MBO)제도에 기반한 업적평가체계의 수립
1. 업적평가 방식으로서의 목표관리(MBO)제도
2. 사례 조직의 MBO식 업적평가체계
III. 연봉제의 설계 및 운영
1. 일반적인 연봉제 설계 방안
2. 사례 조직의 연봉제 설계 방식
IV. MBO식 업적평가제도와 연봉제 운용과정에서 예견되는 주요 문제점들
V. 맺음말
hat's not Solution, part2", Personnel, February, pp.26-32
Kavanagh, M.J. (1982), "Evaluating Performance", in Rowland, K.M. & Ferris, G.R.
(eds.), Personnel Management, Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc. pp.187-226
Kohn, A. (1993), "Why Incentive Plans Cannot Work", Harvard Business Review, 71, September-October, pp.54-63
MaConkie, M.L. (1979), "A Clarification of the Goal Setting and Appraisal Processes in MBO", Academy of Management Review, 4, pp.29-40
Milkovich, G.T. & Boudreau, J.W. (1997), Human Resource Management, 8th edition, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.
Muczyk, J.P. (1979), "Dynamics and Hazard of MBO Application", The Personnel
Administrator, May, pp.51-62
Nemeth, C. J. & Staw, B. M. (1989), "The Trade Off of Social Control and Innovation in Groups and Organizations", in Berkowitz, L. (ed.), Advances in Experimental and Social Psychology, vol.12, New York: Academic Press, pp.175-210
Pfeffer, J. (1998a), The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
Pfeffer, J. (1998b), "Six Dangerous Myths about Pay", Harvard Business Review,
May-June, pp.109-119
Pringle, C.D. & Longenecker (1982), "The Ethics of MBO", Academy of Management Review, 7, pp.305-312
Wayne, S. J. & Ferris, G. R. (1990), "Influence Tactics, Affect and Exchange Quality in Supervisor-Subordinate Interactions: A Laboratory Experiment and Field Study", Journal of Applied Psychology, 75(3), pp.487-499
[부록 1] 삽입
---> 별도 파일(파일명: 연봉제 논문 부록)에 있는 [부록 1] 그림을 여기에 삽입
해 주세요.
A Study on the Design and Adoption of MBO and Yeonbong-Je Payment System in the University Organization
Sang-Eon Park*
Tack-Hyun Shin**
Recently, "Yeonbong-Je"(the name of the performance-based merit pay system in Korea) is widely accepted in public organizations as well as in business firms in Korea. Especially this paper studies the case of an university which designed and adopted "Yeonbong-Je" and the performance appraisal system that is based on the MBO (management by objective) process.
There have been many theoretical researches and practical case studies about the business firms that adopted the performance-based pay system such as "Yeonbong-Je". But few studies have illuminated the university organization. So, we think, it is meaningful to introduce and explain the case of university organization that transformed the existing performance system into the one that is based on the MBO, and adopted the new "Yeonbong-Je" payment system. By surveying and integrating the existing literature on the MBO and performance-based pay system, we discuss the potential problems and side-effects that may be produced in the implementing the MBO and "Yeonbong-Je" payment system, and suggest the alternatives to avoid or minimize them.
* Department of Business Administration, Konyang University
** Department of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University of Technology
Kavanagh, M.J. (1982), "Evaluating Performance", in Rowland, K.M. & Ferris, G.R.
(eds.), Personnel Management, Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc. pp.187-226
Kohn, A. (1993), "Why Incentive Plans Cannot Work", Harvard Business Review, 71, September-October, pp.54-63
MaConkie, M.L. (1979), "A Clarification of the Goal Setting and Appraisal Processes in MBO", Academy of Management Review, 4, pp.29-40
Milkovich, G.T. & Boudreau, J.W. (1997), Human Resource Management, 8th edition, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.
Muczyk, J.P. (1979), "Dynamics and Hazard of MBO Application", The Personnel
Administrator, May, pp.51-62
Nemeth, C. J. & Staw, B. M. (1989), "The Trade Off of Social Control and Innovation in Groups and Organizations", in Berkowitz, L. (ed.), Advances in Experimental and Social Psychology, vol.12, New York: Academic Press, pp.175-210
Pfeffer, J. (1998a), The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
Pfeffer, J. (1998b), "Six Dangerous Myths about Pay", Harvard Business Review,
May-June, pp.109-119
Pringle, C.D. & Longenecker (1982), "The Ethics of MBO", Academy of Management Review, 7, pp.305-312
Wayne, S. J. & Ferris, G. R. (1990), "Influence Tactics, Affect and Exchange Quality in Supervisor-Subordinate Interactions: A Laboratory Experiment and Field Study", Journal of Applied Psychology, 75(3), pp.487-499
[부록 1] 삽입
---> 별도 파일(파일명: 연봉제 논문 부록)에 있는 [부록 1] 그림을 여기에 삽입
해 주세요.
A Study on the Design and Adoption of MBO and Yeonbong-Je Payment System in the University Organization
Sang-Eon Park*
Tack-Hyun Shin**
Recently, "Yeonbong-Je"(the name of the performance-based merit pay system in Korea) is widely accepted in public organizations as well as in business firms in Korea. Especially this paper studies the case of an university which designed and adopted "Yeonbong-Je" and the performance appraisal system that is based on the MBO (management by objective) process.
There have been many theoretical researches and practical case studies about the business firms that adopted the performance-based pay system such as "Yeonbong-Je". But few studies have illuminated the university organization. So, we think, it is meaningful to introduce and explain the case of university organization that transformed the existing performance system into the one that is based on the MBO, and adopted the new "Yeonbong-Je" payment system. By surveying and integrating the existing literature on the MBO and performance-based pay system, we discuss the potential problems and side-effects that may be produced in the implementing the MBO and "Yeonbong-Je" payment system, and suggest the alternatives to avoid or minimize them.
* Department of Business Administration, Konyang University
** Department of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University of Technology
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