Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 중소기업정보화지원기관에 대한 이론적 고찰
2.1 중소기업정보망의 구축 및 확충지원
2.2 지역(공단)단위의 소프트웨어 공동개발 지원
2.3 교육훈련의 지원
2.4 정보기술고도화
2.5 금융지원제도
2.6 세무·회계적 지원
Ⅲ. 중소기업정보화지원기관에 대한 실증적분석
3.1 자료분석
3.2 정보화 지원정책 분석
3.3 정보화 지원사업 분석
Ⅳ. 결 론
Ⅱ. 중소기업정보화지원기관에 대한 이론적 고찰
2.1 중소기업정보망의 구축 및 확충지원
2.2 지역(공단)단위의 소프트웨어 공동개발 지원
2.3 교육훈련의 지원
2.4 정보기술고도화
2.5 금융지원제도
2.6 세무·회계적 지원
Ⅲ. 중소기업정보화지원기관에 대한 실증적분석
3.1 자료분석
3.2 정보화 지원정책 분석
3.3 정보화 지원사업 분석
Ⅳ. 결 론
ss of Management Information Systems", Management Science, Vol.24, No.10(June 1978), pp.1064-1077.
24. Lees, J. D. and Lees D. D., "Realities if Small Business Information System Implementation", Journal of Small Business Management, Vol.38, No.1(Jan. 1987), pp.6-13.
25. Lucas, H. C. Jr., "Performance and the Use of an Information System", Management Science, Vol.21, No.8(April 1975), pp.908-919.
26. Markus, M. L., and D. Robey, "Information Technology and Organizational Change :Casual Structure and Theory and Research", Management Science, 1988, pp583-598
27. Montazemi, A. R. "Factors Affecting Information Satisfaction in the Context of the Small Business Environment", MIS Quarterly, Vol.12, No.2(June 1988), pp.239-256.
28. Nazem, S.M., "Source of Software and Levels of Satisfaction for Small Business Computer Application". Information and Management, Vol.19, 1990, pp95-100
29. Raymond Louis, "Organizational Characteristics and MIS Success in the Context of the Small Business", MIS Quarterly, Vol.9, No.1(March 1985), pp.37-52.
30. Raymond Louis, "Validating and Applying User Satisfaction as a Measure of MIS Success in Small Organizations", Information and Management, Vol.12(1987), pp.173-179.
31. Senn, J. A. and V. R. Gibson, "Risks of Investment in Microcomputers for Small Business Management", Journal of Small Business Management, July 1981, pp.30-41.
32. West, G. M. "MIS in Small Companies", Journal of Systems Management, Vol.26, No.4(April 1975), pp.10-13.
The Role of Driving and Supporting Organizations for Small Manufacturing Companies' Computerization
Ki-Heung Yim*·Yong-Jin John**
Under competitive situation, many small manufacturing companies know that building effective information systems is the best way to get a competition. Therefore, lots of these companies are getting under way of building information systems. But they are having trouble building information systems because of many difficult factors like money, technologies, education.
Comparing to large firms, small manufacturing companies are short of money and technology to get information systems. Considering of the difficulties of small manufacturing companies, organization supporting these companies will be able to play an important role to suggest the guideline to success of getting information systems. Many supporting organizations have instituted a scheme in which they can get valuable information relating to building information systems.
This paper is focusing on the role of supporting organizations for information systems of small manufacturing companies. This study finds out what the difficulties of these companies trying to build information systems are and suggests the supporting ways of getting effective information systems.
Key Words : information systems, small manufacturing companies, guideline
* Professor, Kwang Ju Women's University, Korea
** Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, Woosuk University
24. Lees, J. D. and Lees D. D., "Realities if Small Business Information System Implementation", Journal of Small Business Management, Vol.38, No.1(Jan. 1987), pp.6-13.
25. Lucas, H. C. Jr., "Performance and the Use of an Information System", Management Science, Vol.21, No.8(April 1975), pp.908-919.
26. Markus, M. L., and D. Robey, "Information Technology and Organizational Change :Casual Structure and Theory and Research", Management Science, 1988, pp583-598
27. Montazemi, A. R. "Factors Affecting Information Satisfaction in the Context of the Small Business Environment", MIS Quarterly, Vol.12, No.2(June 1988), pp.239-256.
28. Nazem, S.M., "Source of Software and Levels of Satisfaction for Small Business Computer Application". Information and Management, Vol.19, 1990, pp95-100
29. Raymond Louis, "Organizational Characteristics and MIS Success in the Context of the Small Business", MIS Quarterly, Vol.9, No.1(March 1985), pp.37-52.
30. Raymond Louis, "Validating and Applying User Satisfaction as a Measure of MIS Success in Small Organizations", Information and Management, Vol.12(1987), pp.173-179.
31. Senn, J. A. and V. R. Gibson, "Risks of Investment in Microcomputers for Small Business Management", Journal of Small Business Management, July 1981, pp.30-41.
32. West, G. M. "MIS in Small Companies", Journal of Systems Management, Vol.26, No.4(April 1975), pp.10-13.
The Role of Driving and Supporting Organizations for Small Manufacturing Companies' Computerization
Ki-Heung Yim*·Yong-Jin John**
Under competitive situation, many small manufacturing companies know that building effective information systems is the best way to get a competition. Therefore, lots of these companies are getting under way of building information systems. But they are having trouble building information systems because of many difficult factors like money, technologies, education.
Comparing to large firms, small manufacturing companies are short of money and technology to get information systems. Considering of the difficulties of small manufacturing companies, organization supporting these companies will be able to play an important role to suggest the guideline to success of getting information systems. Many supporting organizations have instituted a scheme in which they can get valuable information relating to building information systems.
This paper is focusing on the role of supporting organizations for information systems of small manufacturing companies. This study finds out what the difficulties of these companies trying to build information systems are and suggests the supporting ways of getting effective information systems.
Key Words : information systems, small manufacturing companies, guideline
* Professor, Kwang Ju Women's University, Korea
** Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, Woosuk University
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