프로야구 실버세대 관중의 특성 분석 및 관람 유인 방안에 대한 연구
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Ⅰ.서론 1
1.연구의 필요성 1
2.연구 목적 2
3.연구가설 3
4.연구의 제한점 4
5.용어의 정의 5

Ⅱ.이론적 배경 7
1.시장세분화와 표적마케팅 7
2.한국스포츠 산업의 특징 9
3.선행연구 14

Ⅲ.연구방법 16
1.연구대상 16
2.측정도구 17
3.연구절차 20
4.자료처리 20

Ⅳ.결과 및 논의 21
1.관람빈도에 따른 인구통계학적 특성 21
2.지출비용에 따른 인구통계학적 특성 23
3.관람빈도에 따른 관람유인 요인 26
4.지출비용에 따른 관람유인 요인 27
5.관람형태에 따른 인구통계학적 특성 29
6.관람유인 요인에 대한 만족도 분석 37

Ⅴ.결론 및 제언 39
1.결론 39
2.제언 42

참고문헌 43
Abstract 47
부록 51


oyed in this study. Information on these surveys was based on work done by Kang Hyun-min (1998), Shin Kyung-ha (1995) and Koo Dae-shik (1998) and modified to accommodate the purposes of this study.
The survey asked respondents to input their own assessment, and the Windows SAS 8.1 program was employed for the statistical processing required to interpret the data. Frequency analysis, distribution analysis, and Chi-Square analysis were carried out. The relevant level of hypothetical verification ( ) was 0.5. The study results achieved through these methodologies and procedures are as follows:
First, differences along demographic lines were seen in the frequency of baseball fans among Koreans 50 years or older. Statistically significant differences were found according to gender, age, occupation, available spending money, living arrangement and education level. On the other hand, no significant difference was found among residential areas. The group with the highest frequency of professional baseball game attendance are males, 65 years or older who are university graduates and either self-employed or civil servants. The more spending money available, the higher the attendance, and those respondents living with unmarried children tend to go to the ballpark more frequently.
Second, the money spent by older Koreans at professional baseball games varied according to demographic considerations. Again, statistically significant differences were found according to gender, occupation, available spending money, living arrangement and education level, but age was not a factor. Those who spend the most money are males who are either self-employed or work in the service industry. Of course, the more spending money available, the more money is actually spent. People living with unmarried children spend more money, as do those with a high school education and who live in Gun, Eup or Myeon administrative districts (in other words, rural areas).
Third, factors attracting older Koreans to professional baseball games also differed according to the individual. Statistically meaningful differences were found in such considerations as fan services, convenience, cleanliness, vending stands, parking, souvenirs, team character, player lineup, opposing team, game date, and prices (inside the ballpark). However, the admission ticket price did not make a significant difference in determining whether a person decided to go to the ballpark.
Fourth, money spent at the ballpark by older Koreans varied according to the factors that attracted the individual to the game in the first place. Statistically significant differences were found among eight variables: admission ticket price, fan services, parking, team character, player lineup, opposing team, game date and prices (inside the ballpark). On the other hand, convenience, cleanliness, vending stands and souvenirs were variables that showed no significant difference in determining how much money was spent at the ballpark.
  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수49페이지
  • 등록일2005.06.16
  • 저작시기2005.06
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#302721
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