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Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 시스템 설계 및 구현

Ⅲ. 경기내용 분석결과

Ⅳ. 결 론 및 제 언



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Metzler, M.W.(1984) ALT-PE micro computer data collection system/version 1.0 [Computer program]. Metzsoft, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Reilly, T. and Thomas, V.(1976) A motion analysis of work-rate in different positional roles in professional football match-play. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 2, 87-97
Sanderson, F.H. and Way, K.I.M(1977). The development of an objective method of game analysis in squash rackets. British journal of Sports Meficine, 11, 188
Thornton, S.(1971). A Movement Perspective of Rudolph Laban. McDonald and Evans, London.
Hughes, M. and Franks, I.M. (2004) Notational Analysis of Sports; Second Edition. E & FN SPON, London.
Miguel Angel Perez Toledano, Ma de las Mercedes Macias Garcia and Sergio Jose Ibanez Godoy (2001). Software for the analysis and the quantitative and qualitative evaluation in sports of team, In PASS.COM Performance analysis & sport science & computers, Hughes, M. and Franks, I.M. (Eds.), pp.17-27, Cardiff; Centre for Performance Analysis, UWIC.
Development of the live football game analysis system for broadcasting
LEE WON HI(Myongji Uni.),
This investigation developed the live football game analysis system for broadcasting which can get variety wide continued action and technique by logical organizational collection and analysis with Notation analysis method in football game.
Provided the live football game analysis program for broadcasting catches hold of football game and need to materilalize the offer of data with lots of data.
At first, it should express about complex movement exactly, secondly, it should encode movement to simple clear form. finally, it should run parallel with scientific analysis method which is able to record movement continuously.
The basic input of system put fundamental data of gamedata(number of shooting, foul, warning, leaving and so on..)in it, and and input of client put record of main cause by shown possession of ball in game, and in case of input of specific player , compares with each team player against opponent player, and carry out input of data abot each team's two representative players' activity.
In conclusion, sports game analysis is part of development of the spearhead analysis system , firstly , that understands about sport game contents are analysed and through the specific operational definition should be able to get lots of data, secondly, that is able to get result, recording, input, saving and analysis.
Thirdly, with given result from both processes , it is a part of study that is able to extract so technical useful information and knowledge.
The football game analysis program can provide objective specific information to the general TV audience when they are harmony.
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수12페이지
  • 등록일2005.06.23
  • 저작시기2005.06
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#304333
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