[예비 / 결과레포트] 유기물을 이용한 마이크로 패턴 제작
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[예비 / 결과레포트] 유기물을 이용한 마이크로 패턴 제작에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. Objective
2. Theory
3. Apparatus
4. Chemistry
5. Procedure
6. Attention
7. Results
8. Discussion
9. Reference


know how to control the temperature of hot plate because there wasn't temperature controller on the hot plate. Fortunately we could correct these mistakes immediately thanks to assistant teacher's help. But when we use the UV exposure, we wondered the direction of UV light. There were two direction of UV light and one vinyl plate in the equipment. We were hard to find the right way, so we decided to test all possible cases. We selected the UV light direction upward and put the OHP film under the glass. At this time, we used the material which is printed by laser printer within point 10 letters. In this way, we tried to tests many times changing the thickness of PR coating and temperature, but failed to all trials. And then we thought the reason of fail, so change the UV light direction and OHP letters. We wrote the our professor name largely by magic ink. And we tried again the process very quickly. Because we took partial charge of the work, one test was very easy and simple. Finally we could get a satisfied result like the picture. In my thought, maybe we made the glass more than ten pieces. It would be a waste to throw the used glassed away. If we watched for the experiment materials in advance, we could reduce the fails. At first I thought many other reasons. For example, the inadequate baking time and baking temperature, or the coating thickness, and so on. Baking enhances the adhesion between PR-AZ1512 coating and glass. But the temperature is so high, the coating is melted on the glass and so adhesive that the separation can't be done effectively in developer. In contrast, the temperature is so low, the coating don't be sticked to glass properly, when we wash the glass in developer, the coating can be peeled away entirely. Therefore the adjusting the temperature is also important. Also the thickness of the coating can affect the result of degree of adhesion to glass. But the definite reason which we are recognized by many trial tests in this experiment is the size of letters which was too small and thin. In my opinion the letters too small and thin to protect the glass from UV light effectively. As soon as we changed the letter size and thickness, we could get a satisfied result. I think that success of this experiment was possible due to our constant trial and endeavor to success.
Lastly, we should control the system environment more carefully, because the MEMS is very delicate experiment,
9. Reference
- Design, Manufacture, and Nanoscale Engineering 2nd Ed./
- Wanjun Wang, Steven A, Soper/ 2007/ Bio-MEMS;
- Technologies and Applications/ CRC Press/ P. 12-40
- http://blog.naver.com/gpsptm05?Redirect=Log&logNo=110005720516
- http://www.memsnet.org/mems/what-is.html
- http://www.biochip.or.kr/website/index.php
- http://popsci.hankooki.com/main.php
- http://www.ece.gatech.edu/research/labs/vc/theory/photolith.html
- Chemical Engineering Laboratory Ⅱ - SungKyunKwan Univ. Chemical Engineering.
  • 가격1,200
  • 페이지수10페이지
  • 등록일2009.12.24
  • 저작시기2009.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#569835
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