1. 항만 물류론에 대한 간단한 설명
2. 홍콩과 부산항을 비교
3. 두 항만의 도전 과제
4. 결론
2. 홍콩과 부산항을 비교
3. 두 항만의 도전 과제
4. 결론
What is Port?
It talks that the facilities for incoming and outgoing vessels, boarding and leaving a ship, stevedoring and custody or handling of cargoes are fully equipped.
It is divided into the designated harbor and the region harbor.
Link of marine and ground transportations
What is logistics?
Physical Distribution
⇒ Supply chain
Service providers, Customers, Distribution channels
The 3rd profit
1st profit – Production
2nd profit – Sales
It talks that the facilities for incoming and outgoing vessels, boarding and leaving a ship, stevedoring and custody or handling of cargoes are fully equipped.
It is divided into the designated harbor and the region harbor.
Link of marine and ground transportations
What is logistics?
Physical Distribution
⇒ Supply chain
Service providers, Customers, Distribution channels
The 3rd profit
1st profit – Production
2nd profit – Sales
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