온열 자극의 종류
온열 자극의 효과
냉 자극의 종류
냉 자극의 효과
case study(일상 적용 방법 예)
온열 자극의 효과
냉 자극의 종류
냉 자극의 효과
case study(일상 적용 방법 예)
low specific heat, safely applied directly to the skin,
minimize heat loss, insulating mitts
it can be applied to more proximal area(elbow, low back, knee..)
☞ infra-red lamps : IR radiation has a wavelength of 770nm to 106nm
type : IR-A(clinical using), IR-B, IR-C
tissue temperature increase produced by IR radiation is directly
proportional to the amount of radiation the penetrate the tissue
IR able to pass through the skin to interact with subcutaneous
capillaris and cutaneous nerve endings
* low back pain examination
- Hx : 45 years old man carpenter / mild low back pain / 2 month ago,
fell down(10 feet) from ladder
he feel stiff when starting to exercise, night pain
- Evalu' : restricted trunk(side bending) / low back pain, paravertebral spasm
/ difficult deep sleep, inability work as a carpenter or play sports
- Goal : control pain / normalize lumbar forward and sidebending ROM
resolve muscle spasm, fall asleep within 15min going to bed
- Intervention : hotpack is most used
ice pack, cold compression
- Documentation
@ HP low back 20min with prone(six layers towels) ⇒ VAS, pain decrease
ROM increase
release muscle spasm
can exercise mildly
low specific heat, safely applied directly to the skin,
minimize heat loss, insulating mitts
it can be applied to more proximal area(elbow, low back, knee..)
☞ infra-red lamps : IR radiation has a wavelength of 770nm to 106nm
type : IR-A(clinical using), IR-B, IR-C
tissue temperature increase produced by IR radiation is directly
proportional to the amount of radiation the penetrate the tissue
IR able to pass through the skin to interact with subcutaneous
capillaris and cutaneous nerve endings
* low back pain examination
- Hx : 45 years old man carpenter / mild low back pain / 2 month ago,
fell down(10 feet) from ladder
he feel stiff when starting to exercise, night pain
- Evalu' : restricted trunk(side bending) / low back pain, paravertebral spasm
/ difficult deep sleep, inability work as a carpenter or play sports
- Goal : control pain / normalize lumbar forward and sidebending ROM
resolve muscle spasm, fall asleep within 15min going to bed
- Intervention : hotpack is most used
ice pack, cold compression
- Documentation
@ HP low back 20min with prone(six layers towels) ⇒ VAS, pain decrease
ROM increase
release muscle spasm
can exercise mildly