Going Swimmingly
1.Physical Factor
2.International Factor
3.Internal Factor
4.District Factor & Vision
Going Swimmingly
1.Physical Factor
2.International Factor
3.Internal Factor
4.District Factor & Vision
Preview : Singapore의 강점
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The scale of the transformation has been enough to propel Singapore into the ranks of the world’s leading financial centres. As places like London and Switzerland debate
whether to welcome bankers or punish them, Singapore
has started its own special government school to train private bankers and leased a mansion once used by
the British armed forces to UBS to do the same. Credit Suisse
has plans for something similar.
Physical Factors : 복합적인 금융 Infra구축
One change is physical. Citigroup has moved its headquarters from the same district as Bank of China, first to Shenton Way, which now serves as one financial centre, and then to another, known as Suntec City. It will soon join Standard Chartered at a third site, Marina Bay, which has been built on reclaimed land. A fourth centre for back-office workers is opening up near the (excellent) airport. In an area near Chinatown once known for brothels, converted shops now house investment firms, lawyers and the like.
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Preview : Singapore의 강점
≪ 글 - 그림 파일 ≫
The scale of the transformation has been enough to propel Singapore into the ranks of the world’s leading financial centres. As places like London and Switzerland debate
whether to welcome bankers or punish them, Singapore
has started its own special government school to train private bankers and leased a mansion once used by
the British armed forces to UBS to do the same. Credit Suisse
has plans for something similar.
Physical Factors : 복합적인 금융 Infra구축
One change is physical. Citigroup has moved its headquarters from the same district as Bank of China, first to Shenton Way, which now serves as one financial centre, and then to another, known as Suntec City. It will soon join Standard Chartered at a third site, Marina Bay, which has been built on reclaimed land. A fourth centre for back-office workers is opening up near the (excellent) airport. In an area near Chinatown once known for brothels, converted shops now house investment firms, lawyers and the like.
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