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전문지식 2,018건

and Origin. London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1922. Ladefoged. A course in phonetics. New York, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982. Leet-Pelle grini, H. M. "Conversational dominance as a function of gender and expertise." in Giles, H. Robinson, W. P. & Smith, P. (eds.) Language: social psychological pe
  • 페이지 15페이지
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  • 등록일 2008.10.07
  • 파일종류 한글(hwp)
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of control, and ego development.」, Adams G. R., & Shea J., Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 1979 7) 「Ego identity status and response to conformity pressure in college women.」, Toder N., & Marcia J., Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1973 8) ‘블로스의 적응체계이론’, 「상담학 사전
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  • 등록일 2019.12.13
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and Intelligence”이라는 논문을 통해 모방게임을 소개했다. 모방게임에 대해 짧게 설명하자면, 질문자는 기계와 인간, 두 개체와 타자로 친 쪽지를 통해 대화를 나눈다. 두 개체 모두 자신이 인간이라고 질문자를 설득하는 것이 목적인데 (Whitby,
  • 페이지 16페이지
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  • 등록일 2018.03.12
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determination in personality. Journal of Research in Personality, 19, 109-134 Feather, N. T. (1963) Persistence at a difficult task with alternative task of intermediate difficulty. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66, 604-609 Kaiser, H. F. (1974). An index of factorial simplicity. Psych
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  • 등록일 2012.03.13
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kocinski,O.(1992). Self-discrepancies and biographical memory: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 18, 527-535. Higgins, E.T., Roney, C., Crowe, E., & Hymes, C.(1994). Ideal versus ought precilections for approach and avoidance: Distinct self-regulatory system. Journal of Personality and Soc
  • 페이지 18페이지
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  • 등록일 2003.03.02
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Psychology of Group Influence, P.B. Paulus(ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Luckebill, D.F. 1977. "Criminal Homicide as a Situated Transaction." Social Problems 25:176-86. Mann, L., J.W. Newton, and J.M. Innes. 1982. "A Test between Deindividuation and Emergent Norm Theories of Crowd Aggression." Jour
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  • 등록일 2002.10.20
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and relationship quality in dating couples. Journal of personality and social psychology, 58(4), 644. Ehrenreich, B. (2009). Bright-sided: How the relentless promotion of positive thinking has undermined America. Macmillan. 전미영 (역) (2011). <긍정의 배신: 긍정적 사고는 어떻게 우리의 발등을
  • 페이지 10페이지
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  • 등록일 2019.02.03
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Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 30, 222-239. Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior. New York, NY: Plenum Press. Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1987). The support of autonomy and the control of behavior. Journal of Personality and Socia
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  • 등록일 2011.05.17
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of individualism and collectivism: A theoretical and measurement refinement. Cross-Cultural Research, 29, 240 275. Rhee, E., Uleman, J., Lee, H. K., & Roman, R. (1995). Spontaneous self-descriptions and ethnic identities in individualistic and collectivistic culture. Journal of Personality and Socia
  • 페이지 17페이지
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  • 등록일 2002.09.03
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of crowding in outdoor recreation: An evaluation and synthesis of research. Leisure Sciences, 5, 109-126. Greenberg, C. I., & Firestone, I. J. (1977). Compensatory Responses to Crowding: Effects of Personal Space Intrusion and Privacy Reduction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 9, 637-6
  • 페이지 11페이지
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  • 등록일 2007.02.11
  • 파일종류 한글(hwp)
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